"I wouldn't press him on the issue anymore, Poppy. His fear of Demiguises is too great. In fact, he had me chasing around these Demiguise statues holding moons all last year because he was so afraid of them," Alfie explained to Poppy, who was confused by Mr. Moon's irrational disdain for the creature.

Poppy frowned. "That's a shame. They are deeply misunderstood creatures."

"You've come across them before?"

"Yes, I spent a few summers in Korea and Japan with my parents when I was younger," Poppy's voice started to shake as she spoke, "They were poaching them for their furs which are commonly used for invisibility cloaks. Demiguises are nearly extinct because of people like them."

Alfie immediately regretted asking. Many of Poppy's encounters with rare creatures were because of her parents and their callous behavior towards the creatures she loved.

"I'm sorry Poppy, I didn't realize," he managed to say.

"It's fine, really. I've come to terms with my past a long time ago. I promised myself that for every creature they poach, I will save hundreds more," the young witch said, her voice laced with determination.

Alfie couldn't help but admire her resilience. Despite everything that she's been through, she's somehow managed to smile through it all and come out as a better person.

He could learn a lot from her as he still held a lot of guilt over what happened with Professor Fig and his own choice to open the repository. His old mentor's voice suddenly rang through his head.

After everything you've seen? You, of all wizardkind, are wholly aware of the pain and misery that would cause.

Alfie shook Professor Fig's voice out of his head, wanting so desperately to forget the last words he spoke to him. How do I come out as a better person after everything I've done? His inner monologue brought him nothing but shame and doubt.


Poppy's sweet voice pulled him out from the depths of his own mind.

"Yes?" His dreary gaze turned towards hers.

"Are you alright? I think you dozed off there."

"I'm fine, I guess I'm just tired. It's early for a Saturday morning." He had become adept at concealing his emotions.

"I suppose it is. It's a shame we're in detention. It's so beautiful out."

She was right. The morning sun illuminated the lush fields of green grass and vibrant flowers. Lacewings flies and birds were abuzz, peppering the landscape with pops of color.

"At least we're not spending it in that old and stuffy Detention Chamber," he remarked.

Poppy smiled, "Agreed, I much prefer this."

As they approached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, Mr. Moon suddenly came to a halt. His hands trembled, and his face grew clammy as they stood on the threshold of the dark expanse.

"I can't do it. You'll have to go on without me," he spoke quietly.

"Mr. Moon are you alright?" Alfie reached out and gently placed his hand on the Caretaker's shoulder, trying to offer comfort and assurance. However, the man recoiled at his touch, clearly overwhelmed by fear.

"I n-need to sit down," he stuttered. He retreated a few steps away from the forest and sat down on the grass, cradling his head in his trembling hands as he swayed back and forth.

"Give him a moment. He must be having a mental breakdown," cautioned Alfie.

"Poor Mr. Moon. I wondered what happened with a Demiguise to make him react this badly." Poppy observed Mr. Moon with concern. She nervously held her fingertips to her lips, empathizing with his mental state.

The Badger and the Snakes || A Poppy Sweeting Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now