de story

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The rustling of childes bed sheets rang across the entire room.

Oh no. He's in heat again 😱. Childe felt heat all on his body, his dick slightly erect. Zhongli was out shopping (with childes wallet) so childe couldn't immediately call him over. He felt uneasy as he rose from his bed, his half hard dick was becoming bothersome. Usually zhongli would help me with his annual heats but he was going to be gone for over an hour... Childe didn't know whever he was going to make it without curled up in bed in pain.

Tick tick tick. The clock ticked slowly counting the seconds as Childe suffered throughout the day. 08:34am he glanced looking at it with anticipation, "ugh-h how much l-longer..." mumbled quietly. It was a pain without Zhongli here to save him from this torturous hell, he shoved all thoughts of Zhongli and began to eat what Zhongli made him for breakfast.

He stared at the baozi (steamed buns) infront of him zoning out in the process. He clenched and put his arms over his stomach groaning in pain, "M-mh.." He realised that he barely even sent a fingerprint on the food, visibly frowning after the realisation, he felt even more depressed. Putting his head down on the table, he sat there in silence, not knowing how much time has passed.

He glanced at the clock again, 08:43am, wow as if time couldn't go any slower he thought. He decided that sitting in the kitchen wouldn't do him any good with his untouched food (like his dick), he felt so hungry for touch.

He felt like he was missing something important in that moment, he stood up with grogginess heading to the fridge. Eyes drooping, he lifted his head up and noticed a container with a note stuck on the side of it. What is that? He thought for a mere second before realising what the note truly said.

'Have a good day at work Childe - Zhongli' Shit, shit, shit, shit! How could have he forgotten? Childe looked over the clock wondering how late he was, 08:49am. Even more shit! He was almost 2 hours late for work and still naked!

Childe hoped that the Northland Bank wouldn't call him for his sudden and mysterious absence. As fast as bullet, he hurried to get his outdoor usual clothes on, his lunch to eat at work and get out the door 'in time'. Rushing and running around the house made his stomach cramp with it, painfully he ran around the house gathering all the stuff he needed for work. Which luckily, wasn't much at all.

Wearing a worried and exhausted look on his face, he checked the time on the clock for the millionth time, 08:58am. Great, he was truly going to be over 2 hours late now. Whatever! If I'm late that's fine, it's not like anyone will scold me, or so he thought.

Thankfully for Childe, The Northland Bank wasn't too far away, I mean it was only 5 minutes. It was now 10 because of Childe and his... heat.

Andrei was definitely going to be pissed at him for being late to work especially since it was ment to be an important day aswell! It wasn't his fault though, it's not his fault for having his annual heat so badly this year he forgotten. It was not his fault. It's not my fault.

Thankfully for Childe, The Northland Bank wasn't too far away, I mean it was only 5 minutes. It was now 10 because of Childe and his... heat.
Andrei was definitely going to be pissed at him for being late to work! It wasn't his fault though, it's not his fault for having his annual heat so badly this year he forgotten. It was not his fault. It's not my fault.

"You're late, sir." Ekaterina said in a dreadful, monotone voice. It pierced into Childes ears. He slowly approached the desk about to ask for anything important for him to do. "You have a few files that you need to look at as well as a letter sent from one of the harbingers." Eh probably Pantalone complaining about his fucking debt like last time.

Childe felt exhausted of all that happened, this morning.., this dumb job..., felt like torture every time he walked as well! He nodded slowly as he walked upstairs to his office. There is no way he is going to survive this.

On the way Childe heard some whispers and mumbles coming from the fatui recruits, something along the lines of "don't you think boss is acting suspicious?" And 'Is boss okay?" Honestly he could care less about what they think about him. Childe is an omega but he normally takes pills every night to make him seem as a beta. The fatui harbingers couldn't have an omega in their team... otherwise people will hate on him and the others too.

He slopped over his desk moving a few paper stacks out of his way. He noticed a quite fancy, Snezhnayan styled letter, then he remembered what Ekaterina said before. He let out a groan then mindlessly ripped open the letter from his hands.

..Before a booming voice came crashing into his office.

"Sir, are you here?!" Childe felt dread fill his mind and soul recognising that awful voice, Andrei. He was in charge of taking care of Childe's files and stuff like that, like his apprentice.

"Knock next time, Andrei." Andrei bowed lowly immediately "Sorry sir. It wont happen again." Childe hummed in acknowledgment. He looked back down at the letter and back to Andrei. "Why are you here?" "Oh, the other fatui members have been worrying about you." He hesitated at first

"And??" "And me and important other fatui members decided you can go home for today, you seem sick sir.." If only he knew.

"Fine tell Ekaterina I'll be absent for the rest of the day." "Of course, sir" Childe got up and walked out of his office, movements sluggish. Andrei escorted him out of the Northland Bank and went to tell Ekaterina.

The walk back home was... long. Like so long it felt like an hour long. Oh well, Zhongli was going to be home now anyway. THANK GOD

He slowly opened the front door, in the hallway he saw a black-amber haired man type his hair back up after he presumably brushed it with a hairbrush on the counter. The tall dark man heard a cream coming from the front door, noticed it was childe and started immediately walking up towards him.

"Baobei, how come you're home so early from work?" It didn't seem like Zhongli noticed his half erected cock and flustered face, maybe he did and just isn't saying anything about it. The emphasis on baobei made Childe feel so safe with Zhongli in his own apartment.

"Some of the workers were worrying about me, saying I look sick or something..." Zhongli brought a hand up to his cheek and brushed it with his thumb in a comforting way. Childe looked away in embarrassment in his husbands gentleness, Zhongli also brought his arm to hold Childe's waist carefully.

Zhongli hummed, "Why don't you go lie down on our bed to rest while I make you some tea, okay?" Childe nodded heading towards their shared bedroom. Smells different than before, like a lavender smell? Something like that. He laid himself on the bed putting the scented bedsheets over his torso covering his neck.

A few minutes later or however long it's been, Zhongli comes walking in silently setting a teacup on their counter still steaming. Childe notices this from the rustling of Zhongli's clothes and turns around so he's facing with his lover. "Here, this tea helps with sore muscles or any cramps in those areas." Sitting up, Childe grabbed the cup and blown on it a few times before he became drinking it, boiling tea soothed his throat. Meanwhile Zhongli was walking across to lay on the other side of the bed to hug Childe.

Childe settled down the cup back on the counter to get closer next to Zhongli, "Feeling better?" Childe let out a small whimper as he gotten closer to Zhongli, putting his head underneath his neck, he breathed out inhaling the expensive perfume Zhongli occasionally put on. It stayed like this for a few moments before a voice intruded in Childes mind, "...Ajax? What sort of fever is this? I don't think I saw one with these symptoms together." Childe panicked at the thought spreading his eyes open widely just to advert them from Zhongli's gaze.

"OH! UM... it's a... ah sore muscle fever...?" Childe smiled worryingly.

. . .

"...Does sore muscle fever have if symptom of getting an erection?" Oh well, not like it wasn't that obvious anyways. "Oh um... so you know then..." Childe looked down in shame not able to face Zhongli. "If you're in heat that's fine baobei, I can help you."

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