The Originals Equilibrium Part 2 (31-45)

Start from the beginning


Shortly afterwards, Freya returned home floods of tears cascading down her face, her siblings seeing this ran to her with Rebecca getting their first "Freya what happened?" "Did someone hurt you?" Klaus bombarded her with Freya shaking her head. She then went on to explain that the Bloods were blackmailing her into killing the stalemate and his family, leaving out the important details as to why. Saying that if she didn't do it, they would kill her and her son. They rest of the family were taken aback by this suggesting that they should kill the Bloods. "No we can't. They would reveal everything still. I'm sure of it" she begged, again being extremely vague about the whole thing. With some deliberation, the three of them blindly agreed to help Freya wanting to protect their older sister from harm. As much as they didn't want to, Klaus in particular liking the family, they had no choice and would kill the stalemate and his family as quickly and as painless as possible so Freya could break free of the Bloods control over her, even if it meant incurring the wrath of the pack Alpha.

Chapter 32

Across town Ash and Alex were looking after their niece and nephews allowing Elijah and Serena to have some time on their own, which was mainly to discuss what to get the boys for their birthdays.

They six of them were heading to the park when an old street lamp flickered in front of them. Although it was broad daylight the flash of lime green had caught his and Link's attention, politely telling his siblings to be quiet Nathan found out their demon ancestors were warning them about incoming danger 'beware young ones, danger is coming. Beware the fanged beasts they intend to kill you'. They were initially confused but then the answer became clear seeing Klaus Mikaelson approaching in front of them. Sarah had turned around and had similarly found another Mikaelson approaching from behind. "Nathan what are we going to do?" holding Link and Greyson's hands. "We beat them at there own game" Nathan replied confidently, knowing if they were all going to stay alive they were going to do something amazing. "What about Aunt Alex and Uncle Ash?" Hurricane asked not seeing them anywhere. "There after us, they'll be okay" and the four siblings darted off just before the Mikaelson's got to them, the chase had begun. But luckily Nathan had a plan and demon magic up his sleeve which gave them the upper hand evading their pursuers. Not wanting to lead them back to the pack they knew that they had to make a stand as they lead them to an old condemned house just on the outskirts of the city where they managed to branch off trapping them into a room upstairs. The Mikaelson's were confused on how they managed to lose the children. "No one threatens my family and lives" an ominous voice echoed through the room. Where Nathan, Sarah, Hurricane and Link emerged from the shadows behind them. "Kid, you don't want to do this were originals. So why don't you accept your fate like good little boys and girls and let me snap your necks?" Klaus remarked as they turned around seeing four children staring them down. "How about No" Nathan snapped back a huge smirk on his face. Klaus looked at Rebecca surprised by the boy's resolve with her just shrugging her shoulders.

Whilst the children were already conversing on their plan of action, "Elijah, you take care of the witch. I'll take the back stabbing hybrid. Sarah and Link you have the other two" Nathan whispered to his siblings with them agreeing to the plan. "Hey, what you whispering about?" Klaus screamed at them. But the children didn't answer getting ready for the battle to come. Wasting no time Hurricane used his magic to get Freya to fall asleep. Her body plummeting to the floor in a instant, The three remaining originals where frozen in shock especially when they saw Hurricanes cheeky smile. Then everything changed as they realised they were going to have to fight a bunch of children. Just as the children planned they disbanded the group, Nathan luring Klaus over to him. Whilst Sarah prepared to take on Rebecca and Kol. "Kid listen, you don't have to fight us." Kol tried to reason with Sarah. But Sarah scoffed retrieving her pair of daggers from her boots "and miss the chance to plunge one of my daggers in a heart of an original, no way" she smiled raising her blades up. The light reflecting of the blades blinding Rebecca, "Your going to fight us with weapons?" covering her eyes as Sarah looked back at them perplexed, "Yeah I'm twelve and no offence but your ancient". This infuriated Rebecca, "Okay kid, I was going to go on easy on you, I'm not anymore" and again was met with a smile oozing with confidence "Good, it will be more fun when I win". Then the real fight began as Rebecca darted towards Sarah with her vampire speed, which Sarah dodged effortlessly as she teased "missed me". Rebecca's fury getting the better of her she tried to punch her but kept missing, Kol and Link having to join in making it a 2v2.

The Originals: Equilibrium Part 2Where stories live. Discover now