Chapter 3: Learning About Partnership

Start from the beginning

The woman snarled as she locked eyes with Augustus, drawing his attention back to her. "You won't get away with this!" And she recalled her Crustle and dashed out of the lab, followed by her companions.

"What...just happened?" Lillian asked in a small voice.

"Team Maple," Zander said as he gestured for them to come together. "They're an organization dedicated to removing Arceus from his throne."

Augustus gasped. "I've heard about them! Weren't they the ones responsible for attacking that Pokecenter down in Magloss Town?"

Zander nodded, his lips pressed into a thin line. "Yes. I have no clue why they'd attack this lab, however. They must have known about this."

He sighed, before removing his glasses. "Did you all call someone you know to get you out of here?"

The three of them nodded and the professor breathed a relieved sigh. "Good. That way, you three are safe. I'll get you out for the day. I'm sorry your first memories with your new partners went like this."

"It wasn't your fault," Lillian mumbled as her Torchic rubbed against her leg.

"Yeah! You can't blame yourself!" Augustus joined in as he scooped up his Bulbasaur and returned it to its ball to rest.

"Yes, well...if you say so," Zander mused as he removed three objects from his pocket. Small, boxy, and red, they looked like cell phones. "These are Pokedexes. They will allow you to identify any Pokemon that you come across."

Augustus took his and opened it. It blinked, scanning his face, and then chimed, before speaking in a monotone voice.

"Welcome, Augustus Blight! I am your Pokedex!"

"Well, that's neat," Augustus muttered as he held it up to the purple Pokemon that had defended him and his Bulbasaur.

"Nidoking, the Drill Pokemon. A Poison and Ground type, and the evolved form of Nidorino. It uses its powerful tail in battle to smash, constrict, then break its prey's bones."

A small image of the Pokemon appeared on the screen, as well as a list of statistics. At that, Augustus nodded and tucked away the Pokedex. "Nidoking, huh? Looks powerful." He turned towards the professor as Lillian and Yancy each took a Pokedex. "Thank you for helping. I doubt we could have gotten through that alone."

"Don't mention it," Zander replied, waving it off as he returned the Nidoking to its Ultra Ball, followed by the flying Pokemon that had assisted Yancy and the crystal-looking one that had assisted Lillian. "I have one last gift for each of you."

And he gave them each a small bag. Augustus unzipped his to find five Pokeballs inside.

"For catching Pokemon," Zander said as Lillian and Yancy took their bags as well. "Well, now that this horrible day is three are officially Pokemon Trainers. Go out into the world. Do what you do. Catch Pokémon. Battle. Have fun with your partners."

The professor gave them a smile. "I am proud of the three of you for standing your ground. Now, if you'll excuse me, I believe someone is arriving."

Augustus recognized the limo through the window and rushed outside as he tucked the Pokedex in the bag, Lillian calling after him.

Thasiel stood there by the back door, his Pangoro at his side. His eyes landed on Augustus, and his face changed to a relieved look and a smile. "Master Augustus, you're alright-"

Augustus wasted no time and shot into Thasiel's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Umph-Master Augustus, what's this about?" Thasiel asked concernedly as his arms wrapped around the boy.

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