eddie becomes sick

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It was a chilly afternoon in the neighborhood.  You always wanted to say hello to your favorite mailman, eddie. But right now there was no sign of him. You had wondered if eddie was over working at the post office until frank frankly told you the news.

Frank: eddie has been sick for the past couple days.
You: thnx, frank.

You made hot soup and tea and brought them over to eddie. Eddie was happy to see you.

You: Hey, eddie. I brought you some tea and soup.
Eddie: You truly are.. just.. just.. you are something else.. you really are just the perfect woman.. I’ve never.. I’ve never met someone.. someone as incredible and as.. as just.. as amazing as you.. you really are just an angel.. you really are.. you deserve so much… I.. I just.. I just don’t know what to say.. I’m.. I’m just so.. so.. just so grateful that.. that you are.. you are here.
You: *puts wet washcloth on Eddie's head* here.
Eddie: Bless you, y/n .. you really do take care of me.. you really.. you always take care of me.. you always show me nothing but love and kindness.. just.. just every day you are always there to make sure I know you love me.. just.. just that is just.. incredible.. incredible.

You smile as eddie spoke while you take care of eddie.

You: Hey. That's what friends are for, eddie. They always help each other.
Eddie: Thank-you, y/n… for showing me so much kindness… just.. just so much kindness… I can’t tell you how much it means… it really.. it really is more than I deserve.

You and eddie had been friends since you were toddlers. You both had kept in touch and always support each other whenever something wrong goes on, but deep inside Eddie's heart, he has a big crush on you yet you never took notice.

Later that evening, it was time for you to go back home. Just as you were about to leave, eddie grabs your hand and began to cry.

You: eddie? Whats wrong?
Eddie: I.. I just.. I can’t tell you how much.. how much your love means to me.. your love is like.. it’s just like.. well..  well it’s just like the sun.. the sun.. just.. it keeps showing me.. every day.. it keeps showing me what true happiness is.. to know that you.. you really do love me.. it’s.. it’s incredible to know that.. it just.. it just makes me.. feel all warm inside.. just.. just the thought of you makes me feel that way.

You grab some tissues and wipe Eddie's eyes.

Eddie: My my love.. you.. you are just.. just beyond words.. you really are.

You blushed when eddie called you "my love".

Eddie: *smiles through his tears* You are so.. so wonderful.. I’m.. I’m so.. so happy you’re here with me.. just.. just everything with you.. it just.. it just feels so.. so safe.. and so welcoming and so loving and.. it just feels like *pauses* like… home…

You started bawling your eyes out in happiness. Eddie panicked thinking your crying in sadness.

Eddie: No.. no, sweet love.. do not cry… please.. please don’t cry… you.. you are my home.. you’re.. you’re what every man has dreams of coming home to… please.. please.. do not cry.. you are beautiful when you smile.. so.. please.. please do not cry.
You: sorry, eddie. I'm glad I met you.
Eddie: and I am glad I met you, y/n. you are my one true love.. I love you so very much.. and I will do everything in my power to always make you feel safe, and feel special and feel loved.. because that.. that is more than you deserve.. you.. you are just so incredible… the sun.. the moon.. the stars in the sky, my love.. they mean nothing.. even all of them combined.. they have nothing on your… on your beauty.. on your kindness.. and on your heart.

You heard eddie say that he loves you as he pulls you into a hug. He then sobs softly.

Eddie: your love.. it.. it is like.. it's like.. heaven.. it’s like the skies the open up and the angels begin to sing.. it’s.. it's all so.. so wonderful and just.. just so.. just so beautiful. . . To feel your touch.. to feel your kindness.. it's a truly.. truly sacred thing.. my love.. you.. you are the most wonderful thing.. the most wonderful thing I know… and to know that you care.. you really care about me.. just.. just makes me.. so.. so happy.

Then eddie starts falling asleep from using up his tears. 6 days later, eddie felt better and you and him became a dating couple.

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