The phoenix crown, like the emperor's crown, is a status symbol. Generally speaking, at the conferring ceremony, the empress's phoenix crown is worn by a highly respected wife, and the same is true for the phoenix seal treasure book. It has never been recorded in history books.

The old man Zeng said that men are the sky and women are the earth, and the sky is higher than the earth. How can the emperor personally wear the crown for the queen? This is too inappropriate.

The officials who were preparing for the post-sealing ceremony secretly wiped their sweat. They did not expect such an announcement from His Majesty. Turning to look at Mrs. Zhou they had invited, the leading official smiled awkwardly: "Mrs. Zhou, look at this..."

"Very good," Mrs. Zhou said with a smile, "The harmony between the emperor and the empress, and the prosperity of the dragon and the phoenix are our blessings."

"Mrs. Zhou is right. The prosperity of the dragon and the phoenix is ​​a sign of great auspiciousness."

It's this time, if it's not a good omen, it must be.

The phoenix seal and the treasure book were handed over to Ban Hua by Rong Xia himself. Ban Hua held the gold book in his hand, looked up at the gentle man in front of him, and smiled slowly.

"Come on." Rong Xia stretched out her hand in front of Ban Hua.

Ban Hua blinked and put his hand in his palm.

Rong Xia pulled her to the highest place in the hall, where a pair of dragon and phoenix chairs were set up, and the husband and wife sat down holding hands.


Civil and military officials ordered women and their relatives to kneel down together and perform three worships and nine kowtows.

In the conferring ceremony of the Daye Dynasty, the empress usually received the ceremony separately. The courtiers performed one prostration and three kowtows, and ordered women to perform three prostrations and nine kowtows. This kind of rule that both men and women worship queens does not exist in the Daye Dynasty. The most recent record in history is the Empress Chunming nearly a thousand years ago.

Empress Chunming, who shared joys and sorrows with Emperor Kaiyuan, laid the foundation for the next generation, was loved by the emperor and respected by courtiers, she is a rare heroine in history books.

However, there is another theory in unofficial history. The relationship between Empress Chunming and Emperor Kaiyuan Wannian was not very good. Emperor Kaiyuan was suspicious of Empress Chunming, and even planned to abolish the prince born by Empress Chunming, but the courtiers dissuaded him, and Emperor Kaiyuan gave up. made this plan.

Empress Chunming assisted three emperors in total. When she passed away, her grandson mourned unceasingly. On the 28th day after the end of the dynasty, whenever she mentioned this grandmother, she was still mourning unceasingly.

The courtiers in the court are all familiar with history, so seeing that the emperor insisted on following the rules of the Empress Conferment Ceremony for Queen Chunming to perform the empress ceremony, they understood the position of the Empress in His Majesty's heart.

This class queen can be regarded as a legend of a generation. She was born in a noble family, but she was divorced three times in a row. Just when everyone's reputation was greatly damaged and she might not be able to find a good son, she met His Majesty, the most beautiful man in the capital. engaged.

Later, His Majesty was punished by Emperor Yunqing and rejected by the second prince who supervised the country. When everyone was looking forward and backward, the queen of the class took the doctor to the residence of Marquis of Cheng'an.

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