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I seek the auspicious compassion of Siddhi-Buddhi sametha Vinayaka, Devasena-SriValli sametha Skanda, SarasvatiVirinchi, SriLakshmi-SriHari and GauriGirisha for my writing.

May all the divinities of the Universe bless the words that flow from my pen! May all the Devas and the Devis give meaning to my efforts to depict the divine love that I took up to write!

This book is dedicated to the beautiful bond between Krishnaa and Arjuna, a love that kept increasing despite the separation they faced, to the different facets and aspects of their relationship that make them unique, to the respect, care and support that characterized their marriage, making them an ideal couple just like their eternal forms (Shachi and Indra) are known to be.

ArjunaPriyaa is dedicated to the exalted devotion of a husband that Arjuna embodies, and the unparalleled devotion of a wife that Krishnaa embodies. They shared an eternal bond beyond the constraints of materialism but they never failed to uphold the ideals of the world. This story is written in the honor of this Divya Dampatti!

They were Shakra and ShakraPriyaa in their eternal forms, and they must have accepted the fate of separation for twelve years, only for the welfare of the three worlds, even before they had descended to the mortal world, because Arjuna's exile had a great significance in the epic. ArjunaPriyaa: Flames On The Waves is my humble attempt to explore the purity of their love!

|| nārāyaṇaṃ namaskṛtya naraṃ caiva narottamam | devīṃ sarasvatīṃ caiva tato jayam udīrayet ||

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