That's right. They also, have the same skills as the three have. Another hour advancing the forest. When the sunlight started to reach from the gap of the trees. Finally, they were able to see the scenery outside the forest.

Y/N: "about time"

Kaede: "Oh〜......"

Risa: "Awesome......"

It was a valley that spread before the two. The place where the two is, is on the top of the highest cliff. There was a lush of plants, and you can hear the bird's voices. The bottom of the valley was covered by a deep fog, and you can't grasp the whole picture .

If someone is to explore here, they first need to do something to be able to go down.

Risa: "Here, I wonder if someone had already explored?"

Y/N: "With fog this dense, I highly doubt it"

Kaede: "I don't know, but... if it's this huge, they might've some place they forgot to explore?"

As Maple had said, the valley was very huge. There are more than a hundred meters for sure from the place where the two is right now. On top of that, its width is also wide. This also seems to have easily more than a hundred meters.

Risa: "I guess so. Then, let's do something to go down"

Sally, she checked the cliff ahead of her for a while, and slowly went down while finding places that can be a foothold. Y/N would follow behind her. 

Risa: "U〜n... there're no footsteps that can hold Maple huh〜..."

Y/N: "None that I am able to see though"

The distance where {Cover Move} can reach is limited. Since Maple cannot go down the cliff by herself, Sally searched for big bulges nearby, but it looks like there was nothing like that.

Kaede: "U〜n... for the meantime, make a sign if there's a place that I can land! If there's nothing, you can go down okay!"

Was Maple checking the time, she said while looking at the blue panel.

Risa: "Eh?!... I-I got it〜!"

Y/N chuckled as both he and  Sally easily went down with light feet, but there isn't a foothold that seems to be able to hold Maple. Sally and P/N spent about two hours to completely go down the cliff.

Risa: "In the end, I went down huh... I should send a message to Maple again and..."

Even when Sally was going down, she was teaching Maple her current place from time to time. This time, she sent a message to report that she had completely gone down. After not even a minute since Sally had sent a message, a reply message was sent from Maple.

Kaede: "Go away, just a little bit!"

Risa: "W-What is she planning to do..."

Y/N: "She's planning something?"

Risa: "Knowing Maple, probably"

After Sally sent an "Understood" reply, she went away for a bit as she was told, and watched what Maple will do on the top of a tree. Y/N stood next to her as he watched the cliff. 

Risa: "Uwa〜... what is that......"

Y/N: "The heck is that? is that a... ball?"

The thing that Sally and P/N saw on the top of the cliff was a violet colored ball that has 10 meters in diameter. And that, while Sally and P/N were watching it. It rolled to the front slowly, and fell from the cliff. The one part of the cliff that it hit changed its appearance to a melted mess, and while that was getting smaller, that fell.

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