But, you still believe in such things?

Just Promise

Ok Ok fine.


Yeah, I Promise

Promises are not made to break them

I Promise that I will not break my Promise

I will wait, I Promise to you

Aish, thanks

Well, when will you come tho?

Well I still don't know, my mom and dad will say me after they book the flight

Oh k, do say me when you'll know the information okay

SUre (;

Aryan's Pov

I can't believe she's gonna come to mumbai, like woohooo, why am I excited, maybe cuz she's my close friend, just a close friend......i think

"What happened to you?" Arpita di asked as I saw him and blinked my eyes, "N-Nothing," I said, "Who are you texting to?" I asked her as she was smiling looking at her phone while typing something.

"Imlie," she said

Aryan Pov

"Imlie" arpita di said as I furrowed my eyebrows, I just finished talking to this girl and she already started talking to arpita di?

"Show me," I ordered arpita di, she saw me before raising one of her eyebrows, "Why?" She asked, "Cuz I'm your brother, " I said as she chuckled.

I throw my pillow at her,

"Why do you wanna see anyways?" SHe asked, I blinked my eyes, yes why do I wanna see it anyways? I shook my head and took my phone again to pass my time.

Imlie's Pov

Insta Chats

Hey imlie, what happened to you? you did not chat for 2 days? Aryan is very tensed because of it

Oh really? I'm sorry, I wasn't in a mood to check my phone for the past 2 days I just talked to aru now.

Yeah, I see him smiling again, thanks to you

Thanks to me? WHY

Uh nothing, nevermind leave it, anywys what are you doing rn?

Me? well texting u, what about u?

texting u, haha.

hey let me send u a pic of aru

Uh-hmm ok

Guess why he is like that smiling?

Umm why?


Umm maybe he is watching interesting reels or videos


I dont known  then

He is seeing your both chats again, mainly that mumbai news one

Oh *flustered* ohk......really?

Yeah, I'm damn sure, he is always like that only, he reads your chats again and smiles like an idiot

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