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3rd Person POV

After leaving for her work she couldn't shake off the dread feeling that was creeping up her spine. It was as if something dark was making her unable to breathe. Her eyes widened when she remembered that the Imoogi was probably now all grown and in his full glory.

She then started to get worried about Shin Joo. Even if she warned him she felt that Rang would still find him and beat him. That's when she decided that she'll leave the HQ and find Shin Joo or at least Rang so she can try to stop what was about to happen. But the problem is that she doesn't know where to go. She still doesn't know the directions in the city well. Even if she used to go to Seoul for business trips in her universe she used to take taxis to drive her to her destination.

She first went to the location where Soo Oh and Rang bumped into each other and that was the first location Rang goes to according to the show. When she reached she didn't see any of them. She didn't know if she was late or early so she decided to wait for a few minutes in anxiousness.

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"I found the one who picked up the glasses." Yoo Ri said to Lee Rang as she settled in the passenger's seat.

"Who is it?" Rang asked.

"It was a kid but..." she trailed off and unlocked her phone, intending to show him. "He gave it to someone." she said showing Rang the CCTV footage.

As he saw the footage he recognised the boy and then he got surprised, then annoyed when he saw Hye Jin was the person the kid gave the glasses to.

"You must've drunk too much yesterday."

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After waiting for ten minutes she drove off realizing that she was in fact late and feared she was really late. She tried to call Shin Joo but her calls were not going through which angered her.
She tried to find the car's junkyard but she was a minute too late. Rang had already beaten Shin Joo up and had texted Yeon by then.

Knowing how good foxes hearing is she was extra careful while she was finding Shin Joo. Navigating herself from her memory she located him right where he was in the show. She slowly opened the car door and tried to wake him up. As a minute went she realised he won't wake up yet so she pulled his legs out of the car and then placed his left arm around her shoulders and supported his body with her right arm around his waist from behind.

She struggled for the first few seconds but seeing his injuries awakened her hidden strength and walked them both a distance and laid him down on the ground. She then ran to her car and got her first-aid kit to treat his minor wounds and let his healing powers work on his major ones. As she was working on his wounds she heard rushed footsteps she went on alert and sneakily went to check who it was and saw Yeon frantically looking around for the injured Shin Joo.

"Yeon? Yeon!" Hye Jin whisper shouted towards his direction.

Because of his hearing, Yeon heard her loud and clear. He turned around and was confused to see her but set it aside thinking she already knew about this and sprinted towards her.

"Where's Shin Joo?" he asked her in worry.

She grabbed his wrist and rushed them to where she had brought an unconscious fox. As they reached they saw that he was awake and was looking around confused as he found himself in a different place than he was before. His gaze fell on Yeon and Hye Jin who halted their steps seeing him awake.

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As Hye Jin was driving after leaving Shin Joo with Yeon. She saw Soo Oh walking around. She parked her car and quickly ran to catch up with him.

"Soo Oh! Wait up!"

The boy turned around when he heard his name being called and had a huge smile on his face. "Noona!"

Long story short she gave him the glasses so that Rang can get it from him and then get to know who the boy was in the past life. It was a part of the story, if she changed that then he wouldn't have character development even if it wasn't that life-changing.

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Soo Oh ran away after seeing Ji Ah through the glasses. He was then got stopped by Rang who pulled his collar from behind.

"Give my glasses back."

"No! These are my magic glasses!"

"They are mine!"

"No! Noona gave these to me. So it's mine!" he said and smacked Rang's hand off of his collar and ran off.

Wherever he was running, Rang was a step ahead of him which was shocking Soo Oh. The second time Rang succeeded and snatched the glasses from the kid's hand then hoisted him up from his collar.

"I wouldn't forgive you just because you're a kid." he said in a threatening voice which cause Soo Oh to cry.

Rang immediately cringed and covered his ears with his palms. "Ugh, stop it. I hate the sound of crying the most." this made the kid quiet down.

"If it was back in the day, I would've killed you." he said trying to search for something to wipe the glasses clean. "I'm sparing you because the birth rate is low these days."

Suddenly a hand with a handkerchief came into his view. He took it without question and wiped the glasses not trying to make sense as to who gave it to him as he was too pleased to have gotten back the glasses.

Meanwhile Soo Oh who had noticed Hye Jin went to her and hugged her, while a sob or two escaped him. She caressed his hair to calm him down while shooting draggers at the clueless Lee Rang.

Only when he was looking through the glasses did he notice Soo Oh missing. He looked to his left and saw Hye Jin glaring at him while the oh-so-missing kid clung to her while tiny wails were leaving his lips.

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POSTED: June 30, 2023
EDITED: August 06, 2023
WORDS: 1087

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