"I-I h-had some work at school," I said as she just nodded before walking away from there. I went to my room and plopped myself on the bed, I stared at the ceiling while sadly chuckling at my messed up life.

I just got to know that my parents aren't my real parents and just wanted me for that company shares.

And I don't even know who my real parents are, what's more, depressing than this? when a child knows that he/she is adopted and doesn't even know his/her real parents, that pain I was feeling right now.

I covered my face with my palms while crying again, I just wanted to get out of here, this place suffocates me now, but where will I go?

I suddenly got a call as I wiped off my tears and looked at the caller id


I picked up his phone


Hello imlie dear

Hello *weak voice*

I'm so sorry, I-

It's okay uncle, you must have your own problems too, I can understand *sadly chuckles*

I'm sorry once again, I really want to say you this, but just can't

It's okay uncle

Take care of yourself well dear, we are here for your help if you need it, although we can't do much, but we'll surely help as much we can

Yeah thanks uncle

And one more thing, if you take my advice then it's better to escape from them

But why?

Y/n Pov

"So say me the whole truth," I said while looking at my uncle and aunt, they exchanged glances before sighing.

"Sweetie, prepare yourself for the truth, I know it must sound crazy, and unbelievable, but you've gotta believe us," My aunt said while caressing my hand as I softly smiled at her, assuring her that I'm ready.

"First of all, you're real parents aren't them but...." He trailed off as I stared at him to continue, he bit his lip before speaking.

"We both are your real parents," My uncle said as I widened my eyes in shock, a complete shock.

I couldn't believe it, my Uncle and aunt were my parents? like really? seriously?

I just couldn't digest it, I was more than shocked, I never expected my life to be this tragic.

"I know it's hard to believe, but we don't have proof too, so you just have to blindly believe us," My aunt or should I say M-Mom said as I blinked my eyes before nodding.

"What do you mean by no proof?" I asked as my uncle sighed.

"You know 14 years before....." He started narrating the story as I listened to it carefully..

Flashback (16 Years Before)

Imlie was just  3 years old, she was loved by her real parents a lot, like who doesn't?

But of course, every perfect story does have villains, and in her life, her villains turned out to be her own Uncle and aunt (Imlie's foster parents).

Her foster parents who are her uncle and aunt used to run a business where your dad was a partner in it. At first, things were very smooth, both guys were after all college buddies, but since he married that woman (imlie's stepmom) she changed everything.

She tried her best to remove imlie's dad from the business, so only her family could own that business, she accused imlie's dad falsely in wrong accounts of a business with fake proofs and witnesses, eventually, imlie's dad was kicked out of the business by his own friend who didn't believe him instead believed his wife.

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