Past deeds

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That was standing on the cloud looking at two children playing on the glass. Suddenly life appears and asks Death what is he looking at to which Death replies "I am here to take away two souls maybe". A shocked life asked him whose life he is going to take this time. Death said nothing, just look at those kids.

Both kids started to go to the treetop and suddenly both of them slipped and after severe injury, they were taken to the hospital. Life was shouting on death saying that what he did was wrong taking the likes of two innocents. Death just said that he is doing only the job which is designated to him.

Life goes to God and asks him to do something about what death just did. God laughs and asks life to come down and tells her that the kids were designated to suffer something like this because of their deeds from the previous life. Let me show you what they did.

Scene change:

Both of them are good friends. They came out of the office and went to have dinner across the street. After coming out, they saw some beggars asking them for food. They asked them to go away but when they didn't they pushed them away which led to one of those kids' severe injuries.

God says to life that if you remember you were the one who pleaded for that kid's life to me at that time and life gets a flashback of the whole situation.

God takes life to witness another situation.

Scene changes:

God asks life if she remembers the time when death came to ask for permission to take away the life of two people. Life nodded.

God smiles and tells life that death came to ask permission to take the life of these two people. You will see why you came.

Both of them are seen in a pub drinking and doing drugs after some moment they get high and begin to mistreat girls in the club this incident was reported to the manager who asked them to leave to which they got fumed and started doing collateral damage to the property.

The collateral damage was so much that the manager lost his job and because of that he was not able to support his family who were already having a bad time for months now.

Life asked How is the manager doing now? God answers that death helped him through the sources he had when he was a human life.

God takes life to one more and according to him the biggest deed of the life of these two people.

Scene change:

Death can be seen staring at an old couple who were sitting apart and the old man was counting the money that he had left.

God tells life that they are the parents of both of them from a previous life. They threw their parents out to have a more lavish lifestyle. They have been struggling since then and both of them never pay attention to them.

Life asked What is death doing here? God says death he looks after everybody like this you and him also have a connection. If you guys ever get along just ask him about that connection.

God calls death and asks him what should be done to the kids? dDeath says that they are too little to be punished so let them live and make an arrangement so that they can meet this old couple giving them the feeling of being grandparents. Life smiled looking at death while God nodded and left.

Life saw death go to the old man and then say to the old man it's your time. The old man says no, I want some more time please and goes to his wife to hug and spend some time together. Both of them went out in the evening.

Life goes to death who is sitting on the grass and asks him why he did so to the old man? Death replied "People don't appreciate the things they have until they are about to lose it so I just scared them off to make them appreciate things for as long as they have it.

Life then asks Death doesn't he feel weird that people hate him so much and love her so much. Death laughs to life's surprise and says "They love you because you are a beautiful lie and I am a bitter truth. So it doesn't matter whether they like me or not there will be a time when they will have to accept me".

Life asks him about their connection to which he said you got to tell how you become a life Angel first then I will tell you about the connection we have. Life agreed while death just stared at the clouds looking for something to happen.

A butterfly comes and sits on life then falls to the ground, death extends his hands towards the butterfly and then the soul of the butterfly rises and sits on his fingers. The butterfly then asks whether he is dead to which death says no but you are a free soul now, you do not need to worry about anything anymore. We will together go to the new world, with that he left with the butterfly.

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