"Nubi doesn't deserve it." Wang De helped Ban Hua to lift the outermost thick layer of curtains. Stepping into the palace, a thick smell of medicine ambushed Ban Hua's nostrils, her gaze fell on Emperor Yunqing on the bed.

Emperor Yunqing had aged considerably In just half a month. His face yellowed, his eyes sunk deeply, and gone was his gentle but majestic look, replaced by a mean and crazed one. Ban Hua blinked, the light of admiration and deferential still brimmed in her eyes. Ban Hua briskly walked up to the dragon bed and knelt down, "Your Majesty, you finally remembered to call me."

T/N – This is the respectful 'you'. Normal 'you' looks like this: 你 , while respectful 'you' 您. is normal 'you' on top of a 'heart' 心 character. Isn't Mandarin interesting?

Meeting Ban Hua's obvious look of affection, Emperor Yunqing's expression softened, "It's you who doesn't want to see zhen, why are you blaming zhen for not wanting to see you?"

"You also know that I am still in mourning. If I come to see you, everyone will say that I am ignorant of the rules." Ban Hua's eyes lit up, "But if you summon me, then I can come to the Palace openly."

"And then the rules can be ignored?"

"Rules are dead, people are alive. Isn't it so." Ban Hua smiled cunningly, "Anyway, as long as you are here, let's see who dares to criticise me."

"You twist the logic to suit yourself." Emperor Yunqing smiled, "Zhen shouldn't have spoiled you."

"Your Majesty, chennv isn't twisting the logic, just a fox borrowing the tiger's power." Ban Hua smugly said, "Chennv uses this idiom well, isn't it?"

T/N – A fox borrowing the tiger's power 狐假虎威, see the story of this idiom at the bottom.

Ban Hua's smug face reminded Emperor Yunqing of years past. The lazy student Ban Hua often quoted wrong idioms, and he couldn't resist laughing at her. He then started to praise her whenever she managed to use a correct one. Since then, whenever she thought she had properly used an idiom, she would look at him proudly, expecting a praise.

The dumpling-like fair little girl of those years had now grown up, and he had also grown old.

A gentle smile appeared on Emperor Yunqing's face, "Not bad, you have progressed."

Ban Hua's smug smile grew prouder.

She has not brought up the Emperor's health at all since she entered, Emperor Yunqing seemed to have also forgotten his own discomforts. The two of them chatted, and he felt as if several years of his age dropped off.

Before they knew it, half a shichen has passed. The palace staff stationed outside the hall could hear His Majesty's laughters from time to time, and all of them breathed a huge sigh of relief. They admired Fule Junzhu even more for achieving what several princes and princesses had failed to do. No wonder His Majesty liked her so much, if they also had someone like her who could make them happy, they would want to be nice to her too. A little nicer, and a little more nicer.

"Hua Hua ah," Emperor Yunqing suddenly brought it up, "Zhen had Rong Junpo beaten, do you resent zhen?"

"Why would I resent you?" Ban Hua looked confused, she reacted after a pause. Waving her hands, she said, "Don't worry, I have been to Count Cheng'an's residence, Master Rong's injury isn't serious."

"Zhen is not worried of his injury, zhen worries that you are unhappy because of this." Emperor Yunqing observed Ban Hua, not wanting to miss any change on her expression.

"I...... I am fine?" Ban Hua pondered, "He now has more time for me because he doesn't have to go to work. He still have his title, he doesn't lack food or drink, isn't this quite fine?"

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