The guards standing outside the pavillion looked with alert at the two men who had suddenly appeared, their hands were on the hilt of the sword.

The atmosphere was tense for a while until a familiar figure stepped out.

"See, little brat. I've said your skill is not good." Ban Hua took the sparrow from the guard's hand and handed it to the little boy behind him, "This is called a good shot, understand?"

Li Xiaoru saw the boy standing next to Ban Hua, she threw away her brush and ran up to Ban Hua.

"Greetings Fule Junzhu," Li Xiaoru cautiously stepped in front of the little boy, "My younger brother isn't sensible, he is causing Junzhu trouble."

"It is a trouble," Ban Hua put a hand on her waist. "This little brat shot around with a slingshot and scared my horse. If I wasn't quick to react, I almost fell off the horse."

"Ah?" Li Xiaoru looked at her brother in dismay. Brother, what luck is it, why must you stir up this curse-star?

"And this brat still had the gall to call himself a godly shooter." Ban Hua looked smugly at the little Li Junior, her finger pointed at his forehead. "Here, I've done it. Keep your promise."

Li Wang had been living a spoiled life in Li residence, that 'I want the stars, I don't want the moon' sort of spoiled, but currently he was letting Ban Hua poked and poked on his forehead without a complaint.

Li Xiaoru was astonished to see her younger brother that way, what was happening here.

After a long time, Li Wang stammered a whisper, "Chief!"

"Louder. I can't hear it!" Ban Hua folded her arms on her chest. She didn't seem to feel anything wrong with bullying a little child.

"Chief!" Li Wang walked out from behind Li Xiaoru. He stepped to front of Ban Hua with a red face, "Dare to bet, dare to admit defeat. From today onwards, I am your little brother."

Li Xiaoru: ......

"Have met Junzhu." Shi Feixian walked over. She bowed her head and gently wiped Li Wang's forehead that Ban Hua had just poked with a handkerchief. She said to Ban Hua with a curtsey, "Junzhu, Li Junior is still a child, I apologise on his behalf. As he is still young, please do not take it to heart."

Li Wang looked at Ban Hua, he moved to the side.

"A child?" Ban Hua's eyebrows raised, "If he hurts someone with his slingshot, then noone can blame Li family because he is still a child?"

Li Xiaoru pinched her skirt, said in a lowered voice, "Junzhu's teaching is correct."

Shi Feixian glanced at Li Xiaoru with her head inclined. Her face darkened but she didn't speak.

"Miss Shi is gentle and kind, but I am teaching my own little brother, is that considered bullying?" Ban Hua pulled Li Wang to her side, her chin raised, "Come, tell Miss Shi. This Big Sister me and Little Brother you, how are we going to be?"

"As Big Sister's Little Brother, I will lead Big Sister's horse, I will carry the ends of Big Sister's skirt, and I will run errands. Rain or shine, no complaints, no regrets." Li Wang puffed out his chest, "As a real man, my words are true."

Li Xiaoru felt her heart collapsed. Little Brother ah, don't you think because this Junzhu is pretty so she must be a fairy, this one can whip a Tanhua. You haven't even grown hairs yet, what real man you are talking about.

But seeing her little brother displaying a responsible behaviour for the first time, for some reasons Li Xiaoru didn't say anything. Perhaps it was because in her heart Ban Hua wasn't really that sort of domineering and unreasonable woman. It was ...... probably a good thing for little brother to follow Ban Hua and be tamed a little.

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