Chapter 2

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Jay was watching a movie but his mind was elsewhere. He paused the movie and picked up the phone he found earlier. The screen was crushed but it turned on after he pressed the lock button. The wallpaper was Sparkk and notifications started to pop up. He saw

9 missed calls and 28 new messages from Kang Sara.

He realised the name sara. Jay felt uneasy and hesitantly opened one of the messages. He thought of giving the phone to Jane and wandered through the hotel to clear his mind.
As he passes by the cafeteria noticing it to be empty, a person on the balcony caught his attention. He lowered his gaze to her phone, staring at it for a couple of moments before looking back up again at Jane who was standing outside leaning on the railing. He did know what he had to do, but he didn't want to do it. Not wanting to do it, he messes his hair frustrated. He takes the first step leaving but didn't make it to the second one. Fighting against himself, he stops.

He sighs, turning again to Jane. He slowly approaches the railing, placing his hands on it. He stares at the view in front of him, thinking of what he should do next. Slowly, he turns his head to his right, taking a peek at Jane, who was leaning on the railing a couple of meters away, looking absolutely beautiful.

Seeing her watching the view so peacefully with the wind brushing through her hair got him hypnotized for a second. Her voice snaps him back to reality as she suddenly spoke, "I know I'm attractive". He gulps realizing he was wrong. Jane starts walking towards him, with a bottle of water in her hand, approaching him. They stood in front of each other with eyes locked together. Jay takes her phone out of his pocket leaving it in his grip.

In a blink of an eye, she opens the bottle and throws the water in his face. Jay froze, his eyes stared at the ground shocked. Water's dripping down his face, his hair was soaked wet. She stared at him calmly. Her gaze was colder than ice. With that last look, she turns and leaves.

Jay's blood began to boil with frustration. His grasp on the phone tightened, almost to the point of breaking it. Suddenly, the corner of his mouth turned upward into a smirk. He lifted his gaze from the glass to Jane's phone and began to peruse information. As he scrolled through her gallery, he came across a familiar image and abruptly halted. His brow furrowed in confusion as he examined the picture. But, his confusion quickly transformed into amusement as he conceived a plan for a sweet revenge

Grinning mischievously, he discreetly saved the photo to his own phone before setting Jane's device back on the table. He couldn't help but chuckle at what he had in mind.......

A few days later, the perfect opportunity presented itself during a idols pop up show . Jay decided to execute his plan with precision and subtlety. Dressing up as Jane's favorite fictional character,gojo.
He carefully arrived at the party before her, making sure to keep his identity hidden under a mask.

When Jane finally arrived with her group members, her eyes immediately scanned the room in search of her friends. That's when she spotted someone in the distance dressed exactly like her beloved character. Her face lit up with excitement and she quickly made her way towards the person, eager to share her passion for the character.

As Jane approached, he skillfully stayed in character, engaging her in conversation about the character's adventures and hidden secrets. The more Jane spoke, the bigger his smile grew. He reveled in her enthusiasm, relishing in the bewilderment she expressed as he appeared to know an uncanny amount about her favorite character.

Throughout the night, he continued his act, dropping subtle hints and inside jokes that only Jane would understand. The entire room was captivated by their interaction, completely oblivious to the fact that this was all part of his carefully crafted revenge plan....

As the night drew to a close, Jane couldn't contain her excitement. She was convinced that she had met an avid fan of her favorite character who shared the same passion as her. Little did she know, it was the same person who had stumbled upon the familiar image in her phone gallery.

Just when the party was about to end, he couldn't resist revealing his true identity. Taking off his mask, he stood before Jane, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Confusion flickered across her face as she realized who had orchestrated this unforgettable experience.

"Gotcha!" Jay exclaimed, a mixture of triumph and amusement evident in his voice. "Remember that picture in your phone? Well, I used your own love for this character against you!" he chuckled, relishing in her astonishment.

Jane stood speechless for a moment before a devious grin spread across her face. "Okay, you got me," she admitted, her eyes sparkling with playful revenge. "But don't forget, payback's a dish best served cold!" The two of them burst into laughter, knowing that their prankster rivalry had only just begun........

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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