2.The Greater Cause Reveals All

Start from the beginning

"Um, thanks..im sorry if I come off as a bit forward but who are you and where am I?"

She put her hands around her shoulders and rubbed them together as she whispered something to herself and made her way over to him; Jeremy stood in the middle of the room waiting for her to say something until she laid one of her hands on his left arm

Jeremy felt a small burning feeling in his left arm as he looked down at it as some letters he had never seen before began to appear on his left arm and spelled out a sentence

ᚨᛚᚹᚨᚤᛋ & ᚠᛟᚱᛖᚡᛖᚱ

The girl moved her hand away from his left arm as Jeremy tried to remove the magically tattooed sentence off of his left arm but to no avail; the tattoo suddenly began to glow as Jeremy fell to his knees feeling his insides were burning as he screamed out in pain

He tried to ask the girl for help but she could only look down on as she was forced to listen Jeremy scream out in agony; Jeremy laid both of his hands on the ground as some black veins began to cover his body..his bones began to morph and shift as they began to break over and over again

His once hazel eyes start to turn black around the outside and bright yellow in the middle with those same dark veins forcefully keeping his eyes open

Jeremy tried his best to fight against whatever was happening to him but the tattoo in his left arm only glowed even brighter causing even more pain to surge throughout his entire body; Jeremy fell on his back and heard the girl tell him

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Jeremy tried his best to fight against whatever was happening to him but the tattoo in his left arm only glowed even brighter causing even more pain to surge throughout his entire body; Jeremy fell on his back and heard the girl tell him

?:You need to drink the tea!!

Jeremy without even caring quickly reached out and drank all of the steaming hot tea in one go as his contorting bones slowly went back to normal with sweat running down his forehead, he was helped back onto the couch as he weakly looked up at the girl and asked her

"What the hell just happened to me?"

She picked the tea cup and ran her finger around it before answering Jeremy's question

?:You were refusing the change, your body was willing but your soul wasn't..

Jeremy had never looked more confused than he ever has until this ridiculous moment, vampires, witches even werewolves but this was new territory for someone like him

"What does that even mean!? Who are you?"

She rolled up her left sleeve to showed that she also had a tattoo on her arm except hers said something different from his

ᛁᛗᛗᛟᚱᛏᚨᛚ ᚹᛁᛏᚲᚺ

?:My name is Alice..and we have known each other for a long time, you just can't remember until you finish your transformation..

Jeremy groans from the pain that still resides inside of him as he slowly gets up from the couch and stares at Alice like she's crazy

"I've never met you before in my life--"

But she interrupts him by saying these next few words

Alice:I swear to you that we have, just not in this life! Your name isn't Jeremy Gilbert that was just an alias you used to cover who you really are..

She took a step forward to try and reach out for Jeremy but he immediately stepped back from Alice

Alice:Before you woke up here, you must've gotten a memory, right? Something you know you don't remember being apart of but felt so real

Jeremy nodded his head as be recalled that dream about Henrik and the other Mikaelsons before becoming vampires

Alice:That boy you saw in your memories..that is who you truly are, like I told you before your name isn't Jeremy Gilbert..it's Henrik Mikaelson

She points to the tattoo etched onto his arm as he once again looks down at it in disbelief

Alice:And that writing on your arm is a vow you made to not only yourself but to your family..the promise of always and forever, you created it..it lives on you

As much as Jeremy wanted to refuse this insane story she was making up..deep down he felt like some small part of himself actually believed in what she was actually saying..

To be continued...

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