Chapter One: I'm Not Gonna Fucking Follow It

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 Don groaned as he let his eyes skim over the script for the new film Dexter had sent him. Ever since the talkies, the public has been clamouring for the studio to make more talking pictures, much to Don's dismay. It's not like he didn't appreciate the talkies, no, they gave him a chance to act better than he ever did before, but, they were complicated to produce and they had to add new writers on the team to write dialogue.

Don heard a loud knock coming from outside of his dressing room door, and just by the rhythm and pattern of it, he immediately knew who it belonged to, his long-time pal, Cosmo Brown.

"Heya, Don! Did you get the new script yet?" his friend questioned, unlocking the door with his spare key.

Don jolted, the sound of Cosmo's voice louder than he expected it to be, "Hiya, Cosmo, yeah, I just received it earlier."

"Get this, Dexter wants me to star in the next picture he's making."

"Wait, you mean this one?" Don held up his script, waving it in front of Cosmo's face.

"Yeah! The weirdest part is, well, uh, never mind."

"Wait, what, Cos, what are you talking about?"

"It's the character, my role, is, well, it's questionable," he replied sheepishly, nervously scratching the back of his neck.

Don cocked his head to the side, confused. His confusion grew more as he noticed that Cosmo closed the door, and locked it too.

Cosmo hunched down, whispering, "I'm supposed to have a crush on your character, Thomas." Cosmo's face was bright red at that point, and Don watched him fiddle with his glasses.

Don shifted uncomfortably, suddenly realising how small his dressing room was and how close his best friend was to his face. "Wait, what the hell? Why?"

Cosmo rubbed his face with his hands, taking off his glasses, "I don't fucking know? They didn't let me into the writing room this time around. I thought you might have something to do with this, like a cruel joke or something! Just, have you read your script, yet?"

Don sighed, "I skimmed over it for a few minutes, I only received it a few hours ago. And only now have I had enough peace and quiet for me to read it. But, Cosmo, I swear that I don't have anything to do with whatever bullshit is on that script. You're the funny friend, I'm just the one who gets subjected to your stupid antics."

Cosmo frantically reached over for Don's script, flipping through the pages, letting out small whines from embarrassment, "No, no, no, fuck!"

"Cos, what's wrong?"

"Shit, shit! Don, it's not a fucking joke," he groaned, shoving the script back into his pal's hands, "The kiss scene's there too!"

Don's brown eyes grew wide, "Kiss scene? Cosmo Brown you better be fucking messing with me!" The actor flipped through the pages of his script, mimicking Cosmo's movements from earlier, he let out a girlish gasp, which Cosmo would've made fun of if it weren't for the situation at hand. "Fuck, man, you weren't messing."

Cosmo looked at Don hopelessly, nodding his head in shame, "What are we going to do, Don?"

Don sighed, attempting to keep his composure, "I'm going to head up to R.F.'s office, and see what the fuck is going on,"

His friend chuckled, "God, you sound like Lina right now." He commented, adding, "Like not literally, I'd fucking rip my ears off if you did, but like your word choice does."

Don shook his head, if anyone else had said that to him in this situation, he'd be furious, but he knew his friend. Whenever Cosmo got nervous, he'd make the stupidest jokes ever to calm himself down. "Cos," Don said, putting a hand on his friend's shoulder, "calm down, we'll figure this out."

Cosmo nodded, taking a deep breath, "Yeah, you're right!" His face morphed into his signature grin.

Don stood up, looking down at his friend, "Come on, pal, let's go look for R.F."

AN; hello1!1! guyss, as stupid as this story sounds, im excited to get started with it!1! ill probably attempt to update at least once a week, but no promises.

ps. dont be afraid to alert me of spelling/grammatical errors, as i am always eager to improve!1!1!1!1

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