Chapter Two: Fuck, I have to?

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 Don grabbed Cosmo and walked around the studio, looking for R.F. In their hurry to find him, though, they ended up running into one of Dexter's assistants.

"Oh my goodness, Mr. Lockwood, Mr. Brown, I am so sorry!" the woman apologised, brushing off her red dress.

Cosmo cleared his head and smiled at the assistant, Gloria, he believed her name to be, "No, no, it's perfectly fine."

"Why thank you, Mr. Brown." She smiled brightly, "Oh, by the way, congratulations on being casted in Mr. Dexter's newest film, Mr. Brown."

Don coughed, interrupting the two, "Thank you miss, but uh, do you happen to know the whereabouts of R.F.?"

Gloria nodded, "Yes, I believe he is in his office."

Don mentally slapped himself in the head, 'Now why the fuck did we not think of that sooner?' "Thank you, madam," he said, grabbing Cosmo by his wrist and dragging him towards the direction of R.F.'s office.

It didn't take long for them to reach Mr. Simpson's office, as the man made sure that his quarters were specifically curated just for him. For fucks sake, plastered above the double doors that led into the man's office, in huge gold letters was his own name, Robert Francis Simpson. When they arrived, Don didn't even think to knock, just bursting through the door, Cosmo trailing not far behind him.

Mr. Simpson let out an exhausted sigh, too engrossed in whatever the fuck that was on his desk to look up, "Lina, for the last time, yes, it is extremely necessary for you to take voice lessons."

Cosmo laughed, causing R.F. to jolt up in surprise, "Sorry to disappoint, R.F., but neither of us are Miss Lamont."

R.F. face morphed into a warm smile, "Hello, Cosmo, Don," he added, pushing up his glasses, "Is there a problem? You two look furious,"

Don huffed, his face flushed red, "The word furious doesn't even come close to describing the way I'm feeling at this moment."

R.F. chuckled nervously, "Uh oh, diva alert," he joked to Cosmo, who only scowled comically in return. Seeing that the situation was tense, R.F. calmly straightened his suit, sighing, "I assume you two have received your scripts, is that right?"

Don frowned, "Yes, that's fucking right! R.F. what the fuck is up?"

Cosmo butted in, "The fucking kiss scene? The whole man on man love story?"

"Now, boys, I understand you two are upset, I mean, Dexter and I expect that it will be awkward for you two to act as lovers, but, it's just that, acting. Once this picture is over, you can just forget all about it!"

"R.F., Cosmo and I share a full on make-out scene. What do you think this'll do for our public image, for Christ's sake I'm Don Lockwood! What do you think the fans'll say when they head to the theatre and find Don Lockwood kissing a man?! They'll be horrified!"

Simpson cleared his throat, "Sorry to cut your rant short, Mr. Lockwood, but this is just how it goes. You signed a contract, as did Mr. Brown, stating you're completely fine with being casted in any film we put you in."

Cosmo groaned, fists tightly clenched at his sides, "I'm not going to do it, R.F."

Don nodded in agreement, crossing his arms, "Exactly what Cosmo said,"

R.F. sighed, shaking his head, "The film's alright been planned boys, and we've already scheduled a few public campaigns due for release soon. You two are just going to have to suck it up."

A look of bewilderment flashed on both male's faces, before Don growled, storming out. Cosmo scowling angrily at Mr. Simpson before walking out as well.

The shorter male ran after Don, panting slightly, "Fuck, I am really out of shape." He shook his head, focusing on the problem at hand, "Don, what are we going to do?"

Don turned to his friend, "Nothing, Cos, you heard R.F., we can't do shit."

Cosmo pouted, his bottom lip jutting out in a cute way that Don always enjoyed.

'Wait, what?' Don found himself questioning his thoughts, 'Cosmo? Cute? Yeah, right,' Cosmo was his closest friend, having known each other since they attended an acting class together through their senior year of high school.

"I suppose you're right, Don, anyways I should head back to my dressing room, you know, to practise,"

The taller male nodded in return, before quickly asking, "Do you know when filming starts?"

Cosmo shook his head, "I thought if anyone knew, I'd be you, but I guess not."

Don rolled his eyes, tapping his foot against the ground, "See you later Cos, just let me know if you find out when. You know where to find me."

A/N: hi guys1!1! i hope you like today's chapter1!1! this one is slightly longer than the first which i'm proud of, next chapter i'm hoping to focus more on cosmo than don's pov, even though i know this is technically 3rd person, but i've added more of don's thoughts than cosmo's soooo yeah. also, say hi to R.F.!!! i'm kinda excited for next chapter, even though i have no idea where this story'll go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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