— what?, I'm anxious to go with the grandfather. Family means everything to me — Alex says, turning around and remarking the last part to our older sister.

— Ha, yes because you don't have any friends. — Haley puts a piece of the sandwich in her mouth.

— No! — claims Alex — because I love grandfather. and he's getting old, who knows how many years he has left

Luke finally looks up from the game — will Grandpa die? — look at Alex

— Didn't they tell you?

— Alex, don't torture your brother! — mom approaches — no, your grandfather is fine

Luke relaxes, my dear sister approaches him and whispers in his ear — but not for long — causing her to get distracted and the game over music plays.

meanwhile dad was making noise at the bar, doing who knows what.

the sound of the doorbell makes us all turn — who could it be? — dad asks — are you waiting for someone special? — makes a change of voice, addressing mom, who smiles and walks to the door.

I stretch as much as I can to see who he is, and I barely manage to see mom covered by a large bouquet of flowers.

dad comes out of the kitchen eating chips.

so that was drinking from the bar?

I get up ignoring what's going on around me, with my plate and what's left of my sandwich. I open it and place all the fritters that I can, to cover it again. I return to my seat.

I finally take a big bite of the sandwich.

. . .

There was little left to go to the grandfather's house.

pajamas ready, toothbrush ready, hair tie ready. I need something more?

My m&m's! I rummage in my dresser among the drawers, here I put the little bottle of mini m&m's that Chris gave me.

Bingo! They'll be for when I see Haley trying to go to that party. Grandpa is very smart, I don't think he will let my sister get away with it and it will most likely be something fun to watch... for me.

° ° °

I go ahead and press the bell

— hello stinkers! — welcomes us

— grandfather! — Luke yells

— come in

I go ahead with Alex carrying our backpacks, while Haley stays behind.

Gloria appears with the baby in her arms — hello hello

Cassidy Dunphy - ENGLISHWhere stories live. Discover now