"Perhaps if you can figure out what it is~" I respond playfully, trying my best not to stutter in his presence.

"...Tell me your deepest secret. Something no one else knows, and that you dare not say to anyone else, but that you feel safe in confiding to me. This is more than a question. This is an invitation to reveal the most vulnerable side of you to me, to grant me the most precious of gifts. How could any lover refuse?" He asks with interest and curiosity in his eyes.

"Well, I've always wanted a puppy..." I blush at what I'm about to say, "You know, something to put on a leash...."

He chuckles to himself in surprise, "Well! Was not expecting that." An awkward silence fills the air, it's suffocating. "...What kind of leash are we talking about?" he asks with a grin.

"Hmmm, I would only have the finest leather for my pets...." I say quietly, almost mumbling.

He raises his eyebrows and sighs, "Hmm, so something premium. Very fine taste. ...I do have some experience with leather. I'm quite certain I could create a leash for you that would be comfortable, and very sturdy."

I dart my eyes to the ground, and I respond quietly to his misunderstanding. "Well, it's not for me..."

his eyes widen slightly at the realization of what I'm implying, "You're planning to make me a human puppy and leash me? I'm impressed. The thought hadn't even occurred to me. ...Well. I certainly would look good in leather" he laughs quietly, covering his smile with his fist.

I think of something to catch him off guard, anything to halt the silence. "You'd look even better in nothing...." I say nervously.

I can see him blushing a bit at my comment, he looks deep in thought for a moment. "Is that so... I'm afraid I can't say no if a beauty such as yourself were to ask for such a thing. If it makes you happy... I can be your puppy."

My eyes widen in surprise again, did he really just say that? "Y-you would?" I ask, flabbergasted by his response.

He smiles and playfully asks, "You can't even imagine the things I would do for you. What kind of puppy would you like me to be? Will you give me treats and belly rubs? Or will I be punished for acting up?" 

I look at him with suspicion but also curiosity, "Well, I am an excellent trainer" I blush a bit harder. 

"...How naughty you are. So you want me to come to you, on all fours and tail wagging, and then you can reward or punish me, as you see fit?" he asks out of sheer curiosity

"W-well, yes... If you wanted" I turn my head to the side, determined to hide my blush.

"Well, if you insist. A master's wish is a servant's command." he laughs and shifts his weight to his hands and knees.

"W-what are you doing?" I ask, but he looks so happy doing this. He's so confusing but who am I to turn this opportunity down? I'll just see how far this will go... I pet his head, "Good boy, sit please." I wonder if he'll keep this up

He chuckles and sits like a dog, he even goes as far as to stick his tongue out. Is he mocking me or actually enjoying this? Who cares, this is fun

"Now lay" I command, will he break......... Or will he continue?

He lays on his belly and rests his head on top of his crossed arms. Hehe, let's see how far this can go. I sit on his back, wondering what his next move will be...

"Ngh..." he lets out a whine of pain as I apply pressure to his back. Oh, this is a sensitive place? Perfect.

I wiggle my hips, shifting my weight over him, "A-ah.... If you continue to punish me like this, I'll... I'll..." his voice trails off, silenced by this pain. I can only smile, he's really getting into this...

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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