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(I have a severe puppy kink so be warned)

I walk up to the winery, looking for directions to Mondstat. I knock on the door, desperate for help. A tall and red-haired man opens the door and lowers his cold gaze to meet mine, 

"Hello sir, can you tell me where I am? I'm looking for Mondstat." 

He sighs and crosses his arms, " You're in the north of the city. You should be able to see Monstat from here, no?" he says with annoyance.

I am completely wrapped up in his eyes to remember Monstat right now, his voice is so captivating. "Can I take you out?" I blurt out, realizing what I had just said I quickly cover my mouth.

He squints slightly, "A date?" he asks with surprise. His eyes wander to the left as he thinks of a response. "...Very well. If we're to go out on a date, it must be somewhere with pleasant scenery. Where would you like to go?"

My eyes widen, he actually said yes? Awesome! I ponder a response, he seems like the type of guy to have a private, quiet date. I take in a deep breath before answering again, "To the quiet meadows of Mondstat, just far enough from the city." I nervously await a response.

"You and I both enjoy solitary locations. A quiet meadow near the city suits me perfectly. Very well. The next time I visit Mondstadt, I will take you out to that scenic meadow for a date. I would not dare to refuse a date with the most beautiful woman in Mondstadt." he smiles gently

My eyes widen in alertness, did he just compliment me? I have to think of something to keep this going, I lower my eyelids and grin. Slightly blushing. "Awww, you flatter me~"

He notices my blush and a cocky smile creeps onto his face, "You're beautiful enough to light up the sky. Your beauty is like a diamond that sparkles in such a way that even the gods would be envious of. I merely state the truth. If anything, I fear I have spoken too little of your beauty. I could praise you day and night, but even that would not be enough to describe your allure."

My heart flutters at this statement, he knows exactly what he's doing, "That bard must be jealous of your poetic skills" I chuckle and smile at him.

"Perhaps. Although his heart of gold and smile as wide as the sky would be more than enough to win anyone's heart. I am... not as skilled at the art of wooing as he is. Then again... it can be said that I have won a place in your heart with only my meager words, no?" he leans against the doorframe of the manor, he seems prideful with his words.

I smile, "You'd be able to woo anyone with just a glance..." I start to blush, realizing what I'm even saying.

He smiles even wider, his eyes filled with curiosity. "You think so? Then I hope you'll grant me the opportunity to stare into your beautiful eyes and speak sweet words of love to you. A date with a beauty such as yourself... I can only imagine the joy!" he laughs to himself

"As can I" I try to sound unbothered but I'm blushing wayyyyyy too much right now.

"Then let us not worry about our words any longer. Let us instead dream about being together, hand-in-hand, at the meadow. Imagine the sight of me gently caressing your hair, looking down on you with a smile, as I profess my adoration in your soft ear... That would be truly wonderful, would it not?"

My face turns bright red, I'm so glad it's dark outside right now. "Im estatic~"

We make our way to a shady spot just outside the city's sound barrier. We sit down near the base of a tree. its just us and the moon outside right now...

He notices my eyes averting his, "How much more beautiful you must be when blushing! In fact... what would it take for me to see you blush right now? Could we perhaps set the scene for a little fantasy, just for a moment? Perhaps you want me to say a certain thing to you, in order for you to blush...?" He leans down to my height. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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