Y/n meets the astral express family

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Herta Space station. 
i dont got a good idea for intro... so lets just say Y/n is your average Worker, bored with his job. it's currently lunch time. and Y/n is having lunch with Arlan , The head of herta space station's security department. and Arlan's dog peppy.

Y/n : Bro... i swear.. i gotta take a break sometime...

Arlan : why do you say that? What's wrong?

Y/n : well.. like.. yk.. I literally run errands for Mona... i mean Asta. like every day.. it gets pretty tiring yk...

Arlan : Hm...well you should try telling Asta.. im sure she will understand.

*Peppy attempts to make Y/n feel better by sitting on his lap..*

Y/n picks up his sandwich.. and the Inside spills out onto the ground.

Y/n : No...

Arlan and peppy begin trying to trying his best to calm Y/n down as Y/n begins to write a gravestone for the sandwich...

Arlan : where did you even get a gravestone in the first place?

As Y/n begins mourning a lot of herta space station personnel begin to watch...

Y/n : stops sobbing Mind giving me a moment?

The people nod and continue with their day and Y/n goes back to sobbing.

Arlan : Well at least its better than the antimatter legion attacking us right?

alarms start going off and the space station begins to shake

Asta : This is mona... i mean.. asta on the comms! And the antimatter legion is attacking! All personnel evacuate!

Y/n : This story has a really bad plot author...

Arlan : What story- 

Before Arlan can finish his sentence. An antimatter legion voidranger appears in front of them.

Y/n : so... i guess we gotta fight this thing right?

Arlan picks up peppy.. makes a peace sign and disappears.

Y/n turns back. now the voidranger's blade is on his throat...but Y/n has an idea.

Y/n : Holy shit look over there! 

Y/n points behind the voidranger. as it turns around. Y/n Yells out "Think fast , Bitch!" and punches the voidranger...

the voidranger doesn't flinch..but lowers its blade and just looks at Y/n with disapointment. 

Y/n : Uh... No hard feelings right?

the voidranger responds with inaudible noises that sounds like it said "Watch yo tone." and slaps Y/n into a nearby wall... Before it can follow up with another attack. an ice arrow goes through it's chest...

Y/n regained Consciousness.. and he heard a few people talking...

Male Voice : What should we do? They have a weak heartbeat and pulse.. March you better do CPR.

'March' : Huh?! well... hehe.. i never done it before.. so you do it Dan heng!

Y/n opens his eyes.. he saw a pink haired girl, a black haired guy.. and a grey haired girl.. he puts a hand over his mouth to prevent dan heng from kissing him

Y/n : No no no! i dont swing that way! 

Grey haired girl : i feel like i been in this situation before... 

'March' : Maybe your just overthinking it...

'Dan Heng' : Are you alright?

Y/n : yeah man...yeah..

Grey haired girl : We found you knocked out here. what happened?

Y/n : so basically i was just having my lunch... and then the antimatter legion attacked. 

'Dan heng' : i see... Well we are with the astral express. We visited the herta space station while the legion was being attacked...

'March" : Im March 7th. and this is dan heng and Stelle. 

March looks happy to meet you. dan heng remains calm and Stelle just waves at you.

Stelle : Can you stand? i can help you go to a nearby safe zone.

Stelle helps Y/n stand up... and they begin to walk to the main control centre.

Y/n : i heard about the astral express before... You guys travel around right?

March : Yeah! we travel around and help out people! its pretty fun but challenging sometimes. but that's a part of being trailblazers.

Y/n : sounds way better than my job... Hey i got a random question... Can i join the express? 

All 3 were pretty surprised by this question...

March : Well... you gotta ask himeko...

Dan Heng : Being a trailblazer isn't easy... are you sure your up for it?

Y/n : well the author cant think of a good reason... and im pretty bored of my job...

Stelle : Well.. ill bring you to himeko... you can ask her...

a few minutes later.. Stelle brings Y/n to a lady with red hair.. 

Red haired lady : Hm?

Stelle : Himeko... he wants to talk to you.

Y/n : Hello.. im Y/n and i wanna join the astral express. 

Himeko was pretty surprised by this..

Himeko : Well... Are you up to the challenge? being a trailblazer isnt easy... Are you good at fighting? or any expriences?

Y/n : Well.. im not exactly the best... but i wont go down that easily... please miss himeko... i wanna join the astral express!

Himeko takes a moment to think about it...

Himeko : Alright... ill let you join... but you have to promise me your not gonna give up even when it looks bad alright?

Stelle was pretty surprised about himeko's answer... but she is happy about it. March was pretty excited... and dan heng has a small smile.

March : Yay! We got a new member! 

March pulls y/n close and takes a picture with him.

Y/n : well.. im sure this is gonna be fun.

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