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Little had they expected that an ordinary afternoon in 1976, would turn into a gripping spectacle of unexpected proportions. Suddenly, out of the blue, an unexpected event had disrupted the peacefulness during a Hogwarts students' dinner. In defiance of all logical explanations, an invisible scene appeared, or perhaps an extraordinary hologram. The students watched in a wave of astonishment as the magic unfolded before their very eyes.

The mysterious display began to reveal itself, slowly and deliberately, day by day, reaching out into the unknown depths of the future. As the mysterious hologram revealed their fates with fascinating clarity, the fate of each individual present became an open book. They were overwhelmed by their astonishment, and they stared into the remarkable adventure and amazing life to come for future generations.

The students encountered a vast tangle of times and fate inside that enchanted moment, giving them invaluable insight into the interlinkages between their lives and future. From that point forward, the once-ordinary dinner gathering transformed into a pivotal event that would forever alter their perceptions, leaving an indelible mark on the course of their existence.


a harry potter fanfiction

presented by j-caerlys

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