KB and Yoojung

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Kb and Yoojung were seated in his car, and driving down the road.

it was a peaceful night, Yoojung looked outside and saw fire flies, blinking in random locations.

one by a puddle, one by a tree.

it was almost magical.

He sighs as he was tired from the busy day.

KB while driving, turns on the high beams, and looks out for deer crossing.

Yoojung looks up at the night sky through Kb's sunroof in his car.

The window was closed to keep bugs out, but it still let him see the beautiful night sky, where pink and orange came together beautifully to create a masterpiece of hues in the night sky.

it was a truly calming and beautiful sight.

He checked his phone and saw that Nine and Mill were already at their secret hideout.

Yoojung messages back that him and KB are almost there.

in this hideout, it's just them, a place where they can show their true selves to each other.
It was their own Savanna, a place where it was their cover from judging eyes.

It was their's and their's only.

It was a nice building, It was kept up when things went awry, but it was their home away from home.

The newest couple is Mill and Nine, Nine confessed his feelings at a running track in a public area, at night.

Yoojung was there and KB had to gently cover his mouth so Yoojung's excited squealing, didn't attract attention, though it was at night, they still felt judged being in open areas.

KB smiles softly at the fact they have a secret place to meet up and spend time with their boyfriend.

KB has a hard time showing it, but he loves Yoojung.

He just can't find the right words to show he loves him.

Yoojung understands, but he really wish KB would say something other than, calling him pretty.

Rie and Junji were watching TV in, their hideout.

What's this hideout you ask?

It's really Kb's place, but they like making it sound secret :3

KB and Yoojung were at the store, when they all agreed to meet up at the hideout.

The author nim, did a crap job at explaining,

The hideout is Kb's place, sure there's windows that are very much open to the outside, but no one can see them, unless they were creepy and used a ladder.

KB opened his home to his best friends so they would have a safe, happy environment.

He had snacks and some movies they could all watch.

He had SpongeBob episodes and such for Mill and Nine, he had horror movies for Yoojung, action movies for Junji and Rie.

And for himself, cute movies that make you feel relaxed and not tense. No horror movies for him, thankyou.

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