In her opinion, every human being was greedy. Some were greedy for beauty and lust, some for wealth, others were power-hungry, and some desired to carve their names in history. However nice they said it, in the end it was all for themselves.

Rong Xia saw the disapproval in her eyes, his heart moved, "Junzhu, what makes you think so?"

"Even the Emperor, it's just one person," Ban Hua puzzledly looked at Rong Xia, "Everyone is selfish, the ones without selfishness are the deities in the temple."

"Junzhu is a rarely-seen discerning person," Rong Xia laughed, "It is a valid statement." No wonder the Emperor favoured her so much, her status, her age, her attitude and action, everything was pleasing to the Emperor.

Ban Hua: I said such a groundbreaking thing, why is Rong Xia's expression that way?

"I feel something is missing," Ban Heng looked at both of them, "Something is odd."

"What is missing?" Ban Hua glanced around, "Where is Changqing-wang?"

"He is paying respect to the Empress Dowager." Rong Xia and the siblings got on their horses, "We don't need to wait for him."

Since Changqing-wang had decided to submit to the Emperor, he definitely wouldn't miss visiting the soft-hearted Empress Dowager. When Changqing-wang's parents were still alive, they had helped the Empress Dowager and the Emperor many times, so Empress Dowager wouldn't let anyone playing tricks on him. Regardless whether the Emperor was really going to investigate or just paying lip service, this matter would have to be handled properly.

At least Changqing-wang could borrow this to convince the Emperor of his loyalty, and to show everyone that even though he was only cousins with the Emperor, but the royal family valued him very much. Having been able to maintain a comfortable life across the chaotic two dynasties, Changqing-wang and his father weren't just relying on beauty.

But of course, relying on beauty was also possible. The previous Changqing-wang had really 'died on top of a beauty's belly skin'. This cause of death no matter what was quite dishonourable.

"Count Cheng'an, Fule Junzhu, Ban Shizi." Shi Jin was running his horse past them, he slowed down and saluted.

"Shi-daren.4" Rong Xia patted his horse's neck to calm it down. The horse neighed twice, kicked up and turned sideways to block Ban Hua's horse. Ban Hua moved her horse a step backward.

Shi Jin glanced behind Rong Xia, "I wonder where the three of you are going?"

"We are having a meal." Rong Xia was smiling slightly, but there was no invitation in his words.

Shi Jin's hand on the reign tightened, he raised his hand and said to Rong Xia, "Dining is a big matter, so I won't bother you."

Following that was, "Fule Junzhu, in a few days my sister and I are hosting a banquet at Bieyuan.5 At that time I hope Junzhu, Master Count, and Shizi would honour us with your attendance."

"Me?" Ban Hua patted her horse's back, it moved forward so Shi Jin could see her, "Another poetry gathering?"

Shi Jin explained, "Poetry gathering is just one thing. It is more a get-together for fun, there will also be a horse polo match for exercising."

"Horse polo?" Ban Hua was quite interested at horse polo, but she wasn't interested at meeting Shi Feixian. "Many thanks for gongzi's invitation, if I have time I will definitely come."

Shi Jin smiled, "I will be waiting for your arrival."

Ban Hua added, "Don't wait, I may not come."

"Ahem." Rong Xia smiled, he said to Shi Jin, "Shi-gongzi please feel free, we take our leaves."

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