Taxi Man Help

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Before we start let's call the pee man Benjamin and the blonde guy Aren

(well call the taxi driver Stewart because why not and the little girl who asked for her mother will be called Emilia)

Benjamin- 21
Aren- 23
Stewart- 19
Emilia- 8


One day in a town called taxi city where everyone can get anywhere by using a taxi and sometimes even unforseen events happen in those taxis especially of one specific driver with the name of Stewart, Stewart had a nack for getting the weirdest passengers to ever exist and right now one of them would be entering

*Knock* *knock*

A man on the outside of the taxi had knocked on the door waiting to enter, when stewart made the go ahead for the man to enter his taxi, the man made no sign of hesitation before opening the door

His hair was black and his face looked like it had drained of all colour that ever existed, when he got into the taxi he was fidgeting and holding down on his lower part

"I need to pee! Help!" the man said with abit of pain in his voice as he clenched his legs together trying to surpress the urge to lose control of his blader

Stewart paled as he watched the man or as he now calls him, the pee man trying to not piss all over his seats, Stewart started the engine of his car and off he drove to find a place that has a bathroom on gosh did he hope the pee man wouldn't lose control, especially not on his newly bought seats

"alright sir please hold it as best you can" stewart said, the pee man twitched one eye "c-call me Benjamin and I'll do my best" the pee man now known as Benjamin said with a strain in his voice

After afew minutes of driving they had finally found a place with a bathroom and just as Stewart was calmed by the thought of Benjamin not pissing on his seats it happened....

Benjamin's eyes widened "I can't hold it anymore" he said softly with a high pitched squeal while force ably trying to hold it

Stewart's eyes widened "step out of the car now! Please! My seats were just bought!" Stewart pleaded but to not evail Benjamin did it.... He peed all over the place.... It was disgusting.... It was horrific... It was...

Stewart stared at the man with a look of both disgust and sadness for his seats, Stewart looked angerly at the man who just did his business in a car with newly bought seats "you are going to Clean that up!" Stewart said with anger in his voice "I'm sorry T-T" Benjamin said and agreed to clean the mess he had made.

The next day stewart ran into Benjamin again and surprise surprise he needed to go pee once again but this time instead of asking to go to a place with a bathroom the pee man asked for the taxi driver to take him to a hospital and this time stewart speeded to the hospital and thankfully the man didn't piss his seats wet again

Stewart kept driving and he kept thinking about Benjamin and the little girl who asked for her mother, the little girls name was Emilia and it definitely wasn't the first time Stewart had to take her back home so they're quite friendly with eachother and now Stewart seems Emilia as a little sister

After stewart dropped of Emelia by her house he saw a man running towards the taxi, but the man didn't seem ok, he was running rig zag and his face was all bloody and beaten

"please help me!" was all the man said as he was holding his chest and looked in serious pain

Stewart's eyes widened and he quickly drove the man to the hospital and on their way there the man was losing consciousness so Stewart had to improvise by asking him questions and that's how he learnt the beat up blondes name was Aren and he worked as a college professor

When Stewart and Aren got to the hospital Stewart silently cursed knowing that now he has to clean the beat up blondes blood of off his seats

Stewart and Aren entered the hospital with Arens arm around Stewart's neck for support and as soon as the nurses and doctors took Aren, Aren thanked Stewart and Stewart smiled abit then left

While the doctors were trying to keep thean conscious he cought sight of a man with black hair and glasses before complety losing consciousness and staying that way for awhile

The pee man who Stewart dropped off first was said to have a blader infection and while they were telling him what to do to make it better he cought a man full of blood and bruses looking at him and he stared back albeit alittle worried

Later that day the blonde man had woken up and he looked around the hospital room as he finally came to his senses, he saw the same man he looked at before losing consciousness sitting next to him in a chair while reading a book

All he could think was

'who is this mysterious stranger and why is he here sitting by my side?'

"hello there, I see you're finally awake" the black hair'd man said with a smile "I'm sorry but... Who are you exactly?" the blonde asked, the black hair'd man looked at him with a blank expression "Aren you idiot did you really forget me?" the man said and Arens eyes widened "BENJAMIN!?" He yelled out "it's been so long" the blonde said with a small smile "it has hasn't it, so how has your life been?" Benjamin asked "it's been quit eventful really"

"oh how so?"

"well it started my fist day at work....."

Benjamin and Aren started catching up on each other's lives and re-kindled their friendship, swapped phone numbers and agreed to meet up more


How will their lives turn out now that they met eachother once again?

Find out next time on *insert title*

I hope you enjoyed it tho

pee man x beat up blonde guy(taxi master) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang