Chapter 11

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The water was already boiling, when I came back with the ingredients. I put the clary and chamomile into the water. I took out some small plates from a cabinet and put the pine wood, the cherries and strawberries on one and mixed a small salad of dandelion, sorrel and garlic together on a plate. << I hope you don't have in mind to poison me >> Loki said, standing up slowly. Raising my eyebrows, I meant sarcastically << Sure. As if I would poison myself. Mhm, makes real sense >> He only rolled his eyes and sat down on the only stool in this place. I wasn't really hungry, but still took a few strawberries and some pine wood and sat down on the edge of the bed and watched him nibbling at a strawberry. Loki suspiciously took a cherry and tasted it. After he was sure, it wouldn't be poisoned, he made the same with the other plants I have brought. When he tried the garlic he made a disgusted face and went back to the fruits, leaving the salad and the pine wood be.

The tea was ready by now and I took some wooden cups out, filling both with the hot drink and giving one of them Loki. << Is this the 'tea' you were talking about? >> He asked, sniffling at his drink. I nodded, taking a sip of mine to ensure him it wasn't poisoned. He followed my lead and soonly I had to refill his cup already the third time, when I still was on my first. We kept silent the whole time and as Loki had emptied his third cup of tea he asked my << Don't you want to know where we are? >> I had looked up surprised, answering << Of course I'd like to know, but this wasn't the top priority. I had to take care of you... >> I was cut off by Loki << No. You did not to have to take care about me. You wanted to... But, why? >> There was some sort of unbelief in his voice. << Cause I assume you had ported us to Earth due to the plants and vegetation.

Right? >> << Indeed. We are at a place you Midgardians call 'Gross Wald bei Uri'... I- um- used your memories as help. I did not went far though. Only to see, where you lived >> I slightly tensed at those words, but decided then to not dwell on that topic. So I was in Switzerland and even near my home! Next question was only, how to get there by foot? I'll sure as hell will find back somehow.

I took a deep breath. Loki looked at me and started, before I could << You want to go home. You can go. I will be quiet alright here. But remember your promise >> He gave me a warning gaze and I only nodded. << Thanks... For taking me back. We shall meet again then. Loki Laufeyson >> I slightly bowed to him and then left the small chalet, heading home, I guess...

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