🧸Im ok dear~🧸

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Sun's POV

I awoke, trying to sit up. Something was keeping me held down to a...table? At least i think thats what it was.
Looks likes your awake!
Taila turned the corner and entered the cylindar, a few tools in hand.
What are you DOING?!
She paused before slowly approaching again. I shook slightly, feeling oddly aggressive.
Sun, calm down, we arent going to hurt you-
Thats not my NAME!
My eyes widened, b-but...sun was my name! I felt light-headed, my vision slowly...fading....

??¿??¿'s POV
My eyes opened after blinking rapidly. A woman stood in front of me, her hair in afro buns.
Um...sun? Are you ok?
I shook my body back and forth, trying to loosen my restraints.
The woman shook her head and attempted to power me off with a command?
Sunrise.exe power off
I felt myself slowly shut down...

Back at the daycare (4 hours later)

Moon's POV

I placed the last barrel onto the barrel stack as star crawled towards the ballpit.
Star baby, we cant go in the ballpit!
I grabbed star and moved her to her lil' playarea sunny constructed so that she could play while we cleaned. A frown appeared on my face... Sunny... no, i was told not to worry. That he would be ok and fine....
I turn my head and i met andrews eyes.
Oh...hey andrew... whats up?
Andrew entered the daycare fully, a card in hand.
Sun said to give you this, to keep you...happy
Andrew handed me a piece of card folded in half. I thanked him and watched as he left. The card read-

Dear Moon,
Do not worry as i made it through the removal. Taila said i was to be kept longer as to give her time to update my virus protection to be up to date with yours. I had a parasite that goes by "Eclipse" withen my code hut he was extracted and placed withen a computer no longer in use for the workers to study and observe him. I will be with you in around an hour or so.

I smiled as i finished reading it aloud so star could understand it. She giggled and shook her arms withen mine and crawled around after i placed her back down. I folded the letter over itself and placed it in my pocket before resuming the cleaning to make sure the daycare was spek and spam for when sun returned.
Half an hour later (the bois are bout to re-unite!!)

Sun's POV

I slowly crept into the daycare, hiding behind the desk as i watched moon gently throw star into the air. He looked so beautiful, playing with our daughter. I stood up and tip-toed behind moon, grabbing his shoulders.
Moon turned around and his eyes widened. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes and he placed star down before hugging me.
Sun! I missed you!
I hugged him back as he began to cry.
Shhh, its ok, im ok dear~
We stood like that for a bit before wiping his eyes and picking up star.
Moon smiled while shock was displayed on my face.
Ever since you left, she has been calling me mama and you dada. 
I took her from moons arms and cradled her.
Your gonna be a great dad, sunny.
And your gonna be a great 'mum', moony
Authers Note- another chapter done! Btw, in the all mine chapter of the previous book, by hole i meant pussy since back then i thought that when they said hole i thought they meant pussy so... it wasnt m-preg, at least that wasnt wht i intended.

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