In the bedroom...

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As the door creaked open a long , tall shadow came in towards me. "AHHHHHHHHH!" I caterwauled.

4 hours before,

After a long day of homework I am sure that everybody needs peace and quiet. As I skipped lunch and headed off to bed a creaking sound followed me up to my bedroom door, just as I finished putting my night clothes on the door slammed closed. "Hello Hello Hello," I constantly said out loud, there was no reply. Warm and cosy I quickly jumped into bed and pretended that all of this was fake or was it...

2 hours later,

As I tossed and turned in my small,little bed. The curtains started flying across the room, the wind howled and the leaves bashed on the window. I huddled myself into a tight secure ball what was happening? who was doing this? Maybe it was big bully bill, maybe he was coming to do revenge on me for accidentally dropping his Sandwich on the floor. Nah, it couldn't be him it was 2:00 am in the morning and he loves to get his sleep. Than who could it be, maybe mum because I never did my homework on time and got detention for a week. No it couldn't be mum she has such a nice heart and she would never do a thing like that to me. Before I could even think about anybody else who would do such a thing to me a tall long shadow grew up the wall. Taller and taller it grew higher and higher it went, "AHHHHHHHHH!" I caterwauled. "It's coming for me help help help please someone!" but nobody came.
Abruptly, all I saw in front of my eye was a sharp knife ready to slice someone in half even quarters. All that laid bed as a memory was the knife and blood dripping off it...

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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