Theodore Glass catches up

Start from the beginning

"You know, they say that love is when you don't want to sleep because reality is better than your dreams. And after seeing you, I don't think I ever want to sleep again"

"Then I'll punch you, making sure you'll never wake up again"

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He saw you naked

You were the total opposite of him. Realizing he wasn't wearing anything, you immediately closed the door before he could say anything stupid.

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You had a fight

Arguing with him wasn't really that difficult. If Theo had an opinion, nothing and nobody could change his mind. He was a real stubborn one, which could be very tiring. And that finally led to a fight. It was important to you to get your partner's opinion, but instead of standing behind you, he just said that you were wasting your time and what you were doing wasn't what you wanted. You, on the other hand, were more firmly of the opinion that this was what you really wanted.

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You then left his office and needed some time to calm down. You were angry that Theo didn't want to understand that you only wanted to do what made you happy. But you also understood that he meant well. Even so, you stayed away from him for some time until you were ready to see his perspective on things and what he thought would be best for you. "You may enjoy what you do now, but you know you want to be here. You still love Beyblade like you did then, but you have the wrong idea about it. If you enjoy it and want to keep doing it, then do what you enjoy and stay" Wow...Theo must have known you a lot better than you thought. Maybe he wasn't that wrong after all...

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It was pretty hard to get Theodore to blush. He always had his poker face on and could be very focused. He started to blush, when you tell the paparazzi how great he is

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Own apartment

Theo lived in a suit and you moved into it as well. It was just pure luxury. You had packed all your things, which were picked up and brought to his house. Everything was brought to your new home and was finally unpacked by you and your partner.

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How do you sleep?

Theo wasn't a fan of physical contact, especially at night. You sleep next to each other.

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You got sick

He had a private doctor who came as soon as Theodore called him. As it turned out, you had the flu and had to stay in bed for a while. He prescribed you antibiotics and instructed your partner what to do. Nevertheless, he preferred to leave that to his employees.

Beyblade Burst Boyfriend ScenarioWhere stories live. Discover now