"Yeah, but-"

"You're seventeen. Leave this to the adults," BamBam added. He was slinging his hammer around with a bored expression.

Jisung opened his mouth to refute them but Mr. Park walked in with Jackson and said, "They're right. You aren't an Avenger. It isn't your job to deal with this kind of fight. And if you think I've forgotten about your little mistake, you're wrong." Everything he'd previously thought about being a team was washed away in an instant, leaving him with a sense of sorrow.

"Come on, what else am I supposed to do; Laze around and act like the slutty teenagers in my school? I can help. That's why I have these powers in the first place!" Jisung argued. He followed Mr. Park into the room that was more exposed to technology. "Mr. Park you can't kick me off this mission."

"Jisung, why are you, despite being a superhero, still in school?" Mr. Park asked.

"Because I need an alibi and disguise incase-"

"Wrong. You are a student because your mind is still developing. You need to play with your friends and have happy moments. You are a hero, but before that you are Jisung Han. A seventeen-year-old. You owe it to yourself to be a kid," Mr. Park interrupted.

Jisung slammed his hand down on the table beside him. "I'm sick of people treating me like that. I'm not a kid. I can pick up a car with my bare hands, Mr. Park. I should be helping people."

"If you want to be treated like an adult and like a hero then you have to act like it," Mr. Park barked out with a newly discovered tone that made Jisung reel back. "You can say you want to help people, but you almost got someone killed because you wanted to take credit for taking down an alien."

Jisung began to fume. "I didn't see him I told you this!"

"With your precognition that shouldn't be happening, Jisung. Your eyes should always be on the citizens and you knew you broke that rule the second you saw him in my arms. You're out of the mission and you're out of the tower until you can show me that you're capable of taking someone's life into your hands."

Jisung watched as the adults shook their heads and walked off to discuss the alien creature, leaving him alone and in anger. He growled and pulled his mask on, shooting out of the tower with a string of curses out of his mouth. He was just some kid they needed once. Now they were trying to find ways to discard him. Jisung eventually found himself at a park slamming an empty trash can around with his feet. His thoughts were raging more than usual. He didn't understand what they meant. Why did he have to be normal when he clearly wasn't?

What had he done so wrong? Mr. Park took credit for defeating aliens all the time but he never got yelled at. He overlooked someone before. Jisung didn't sleep that night, too preoccupied with Mr. Park's and the rest of the Avenger's words. Jeongin seemed to notice his crisis immediately when he got to school, whispering a, what the fuck happened to you. Jisung brushed him off and told him he'd tell him later. Jeongin, who when told after second period, kept his mouth shut for a good while. Jisung decided that he was thinking and placed his head on his arms out of exhaustion.

Anyone be damned if Han Jisung got a break from Flash, though. Jisung felt a wet substance pour down his back and face. He didn't move at all. If he did he was afraid he'd break someone's neck from how angry he was. His blood was boiling inside his stomach like it was a steel pot and he swore he could feel steam leaking from his ears. So he stayed down, hands covering his ears as his clothes soaked up the cold liquid Flash had spilled on him. One thing after another was piling up on his shoulders and his anger issues could only take so much. He felt like he was breaking.

One minute he's the friendly neighborhood spiderman and the next he's back to regular old Han Jisung. There was nothing special about Jisung. He was just some kid who pushed through a bunch of studying because he didn't know how to socialize. Finding Spider-man was everything to him. How was he supposed to take the fact that his superiors had told him he was acting anything but what a hero was?

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