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November 8th, 1983- Harrington Home

"Where are we going again?" Lizzy questions her boyfriend as they drive down another random street.

Eddie sighs as he is looking at the houses, "I was told by Tommy H that there was a party and that he wants some weed."

Lizzy swivels towards him in shock, "Tommy H?! When the fuck did this happen?"

He shrugs at her, "Earlier today. We need the cash for another date."

"Not when it's his cash. We can deal without another date for a while." She scoffs, while looking out the window, arms crossed.

"Well... too bad, we're already here." He takes the keys out of the ignition and turns towards her, "We can go in, sell the weed and get out to go see a movie or something, deal?"

Lizzy doesn't reply, she gets out and slams the door to his van and walks over to the door making Eddie sigh before following her. They make it to the door and ring the doorbell.

Harrington opens the door and his face goes blank in confusion, "What are you two doing here?"

Lizzy looks back at Eddie, with her eyebrows raised. Eddie looks at Harrington and sighs, "Tommy H said there was a party and that he wanted some goods that I could deliver. So here I am, wanting to get this transaction over with." he explains avoiding the look Lizzy was giving him.

"Oh. TOMMY! You asked for Weed?" He shouts across the house.

Tommy rushes at Harrington and puts his arm over Steve's shoulder. "You trying to announce it to the whole town, man?" he says before looking over at the two in the door. "You got the stuff?"

"You got the money?" Eddie questions, already annoyed with this exchange.

Tommy grins before patting Steve's shoulder, "Pay the man Harrigton." he says, earning a look from said man.

"What the hell Tommy, no. Your weed, you buy." Steve replies with an eye roll.

"Come on Steve, I'll pay you back." Tommy tries to tell Steve.

"Yeah, like you 'paid' me back for the movie two weeks ago. Nice try. Pay him yourself, or no weed." Steve says before leaving his friend with the guests at the door.

Tommy sighs before looking over at Eddie and Lizzy, "How much."

"How much you want?" Eddie counter questions.

"An ounce?" Tommy replies, seeming unsure.

"$60 bucks." Eddie tells him.

"What the hell, no way. $20." Tommy argues.

Eddie shakes his head, "Then you won't get an ounce."

"Come on. Give me a discount." Tommy tries to bargain.

"Do you want an ounce?" Eddie questions him, crossing his arms.

"I can't do $60 man. Please, lower it, just this once." Tommy says, actually sounding desperate.

Eddie sighs, "$45 is the lowest I can do."

"Make it $40 and you two can come and join us for some beers." Tommy negotiates.

Lizzy smirks at this. "Beers? Deal. Pay the 40 to the man. I'll be getting a drink." she says, brushing past the two and entering the home.

"Sweet." Tommy says pulling out two 20's from his wallet and handing it to Eddie before following after the female.

Eddie just stares at the cash then to where Lizzy went with wide eyes. "We weren't supposed to stay." he mumbles before entering and closing the door.

Joining the others in the backyard, they were greeted with rock music playing. They watch as Tommy rushes over to mess with Carol and Steve grab a beer, gesturing to the cooler that held it before facing Nancy and Barb who sat off to the side of the pool.

"Are you sure you wanna stay?" Eddie questions the girl as she opens a beer.

"Free beer Eddie, 'course we're staying." she tells him before taking a sip, earning a sigh from the boy but reluctantly he agrees, grabbing a beer for himself.

"Lets not stay too long though okay, I'd rather not get another earful from the sheriff." Eddie tries to tell his girlfriend while side glancing at the other teens who mainly seem to be ignoring them.

"An hour tops, we won't stay for long okay Eddie, chill." Lizzie reassures him.

Their little conversation was broken when the group started shouting, "Chug. Chug. Chug." repeatedly as Nancy was downing a beer.

"Barb, you wanna try?" Nancy offers, earning a look of confusion from her friend.

"What? No." Barb denies the offer. "No, I don't wanna do it. Thanks." she says as the brunette grabs her the beer regardless.

"Come on." She encourages her redhead friend.

"Yeah, come on don't be such a buzzkill like that other friend you had." Tommy comments with a chuckle.

"Yeah, glad you guys dumped her." Carol adds with a giggle of her own.

"Guys come on..." Steve tried to stop them with a shake of his head, not finding it funny.

"What Steve? She was a buzzkill. At least Nancy has the sense to have fun. Unlike some lame-o's" Carol pushes with a playful smile.

"She's missing guys, that's not cool." Steve interjects with a lazy hand gesture as he holds a flask of booze.

At that comment, Eddie and Lizzie now know who they were talking about. Bella. This made Lizzie's blood begin to boil. "She's not lame, so stop talking about her like you know her." she cuts in, gaining the group's attention.

"Is that so? Well Nance, you knew her right? How do you think she was?" Tommy questions the girl with a smirk.

Nancy avoids looking over at Lizzie and Eddie, looking at Steve then Tommy and Carol. She shrugs lightly, "I guess she was a little bit of a buzzkill." she pauses finally looking at the other couple to see them glaring daggers at her, "B-but it's been years since we've hung out, I can't be sure now." she covers looking back over at Barb who looks at her friend with wide eyes at the lie she just told.

Barb didn't say anything, but she always knew when Nancy was lying.

"See! That chick was a certified Buzzkill. Sorry to break it to you Liz, but you might need some new friends." Tommy says with a satisfied look.

Lizzie redirects her daggers to Tommy, "I'm perfectly okay with the friends I have. And don't call me Liz." she tells him not pleased with how he was talking to her. "Let's go Eddie." she says before heading back to the house to leave.

Eddie nods and slowly follows, stopping for a moment to face the group again. "If you're gonna talk about someone, at least know her name." he tells them.

"Oh yeah? And what was it?" Tommy mocks, not really interested.

Eddie glares at him, "Her name is Bella, you jackass." he replies before leaving.

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