"You don't get on with your father?"

"That would be an understatement. He is a religious fanatic and a bigot." He growled out the words, the hate in his voice palpable.

"What about your mother?"

His face softened a little before he spoke. "My mother is a wonderful but timid soul, I love her dearly and it broke her heart when I moved out. But I had to get away from him." His mouth turned sour at the final words.

"So where do you live now?"

"It varies, sometimes on a friends couch, other times I just crash in my van. I'm trying to save enough to get somewhere of my own, but it's not easy."

"That's awful. Won't your father help you?"

"Ha, not a chance in hell." He scoffed.

She found it hard to understand a parent not caring for his child. Her parents were so kind and supportive it was totally outside her experience.

They sat in silence for a while, lost in their own thoughts. Morwenna wanted to tell him all about the things the Piskies had told her. The revelations that night had been quite overwhelming. But first she had to broach the subject of the Piskies existence and she didn't feel it was the right time to go that far. One thing she did know was that she couldn't let the opportunity with Trystan slip through her fingers. She knew they had a connection and that he had been brought to her for a reason. She just didn't know what it was.

Lacing her fingers through his, she leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"I want you to stay with me."

Trystan's head whipped round. "What? No, I couldn't do that."

"Well us, me and my sisters. You heard what my parents gave us for our birthday. We have a cottage all to ourselves. If you can put up with my sisters, you're welcome to stay."

"But you've only just met me and I wasn't expecting to take this any further tonight." He waved his hand between them.

Morwenna blushed again when she realised what he meant.

"Oh God no. I mean....not that I don't like you, a lot." She stumbled over her words. "What I meant was you can have the sofa bed downstairs." She said in a rush.

Trystan laughed and pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry. I know you're not that type of girl."

"Oh." Morwenna wasn't sure why she felt a little disappointed at his words.

Trystan sensed her mood change and tried to back pedal. "Not that you're not hot and I would, you know, but I'm happy to wait." His shoulders slumped in defeat as he realised what an arse he was making of himself.

"Its fine Trystan, I understand and I'm flattered. I've just never....you know."

They fell into an awkward silence.

Morwenna shifted uncomfortably, she knew she had to say something. She just hoped she hadn't blown her chance with Trystan.

"I meant what I said you know. You're more than welcome to come home with me."

Trystan pulled off his beanie and ran a hand through his messy hair.

"What about your father? He seems pretty scary."

"Don't worry about him, I'll let mum tell him." She chuckled as she stood up.

"Come on, let's go and break the news to my sisters." She grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

Once they got back to his van, Morwenna directed him out the main gate and along the lane to the small side entrance that took them down to the cottage. At least then it would be a while before her Dad found out about her plan, she hoped.

Once they were inside the dark cottage, Trystan couldn't help himself. He turned and pushed her up against the door. Holding her face in his hands, he gave her a smouldering kiss that made her knees go weak. She opened her lips to him and their tongues collided, making them both groan. They were so engrossed in each other, they didn't hear someone clearing their throat. It wasn't until the room lit up as the lights were switched on that they were aware they had an audience. They jumped apart as if struck by lightning and turned to see Ailla and Tregereth sat on the couch grinning at them.

"Oh my God. You scared the shit out of me." Morwenna exclaimed.

"You're not the only one." Trystan mumbled. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

Her sisters burst out laughing at their alarmed faces.

"I bet you thought it was Dad." Ailla spluttered in between giggles.

"Oh the look on your faces." Tregereth held her stomach as she bent over laughing.

"That was so mean." Morwenna shouted as she stood glaring at her sisters.

They carried on laughing for a while, both trying to gulp in air as they tried to pull themselves together.

Morwenna waited for them to calm down, before speaking.

"It's late and I'm too tired to deal with you two tonight. But I will get you back for this. Now move yourselves. I need to pull out the sofa bed. Trystan is staying here tonight."

That brought the girls laughter up short.

"Wait. What?" Ailla spluttered.

"He needs somewhere to stay and I said he could sleep here. Do you have a problem with that?"

She stood facing them, her hands on her hips.

Trystan stepped forward and tried to intervene. "Look, if it's a problem, I can just leave."

Morwenna put her hand out and grabbed his arm.

"It's not a problem is it girls?" She glared at her sisters, daring them to say otherwise.

They were taken back by her tough stance, but shook their heads.

"Good. I'll just go and get some blankets from upstairs. Make yourself at home Trys." She waved an arm at him as she disappeared out the door.

Trystan stood to one side while Ailla and Tregereth busied themselves pulling out the sofa bed.

Once they had finished they smiled warmly at him.

"Welcome to our new home." Ailla spoke softly. Her words made him relax a little.

"Thanks." He replied.

The girls gave each other a knowing smile before giving him a little wave and running out the door. He could hear their laughter as they ran up the stairs.

Blowing out a breath, he sat down on the side of the sofa bed. He made up his mind that he would stay the night, but convince Morwenna that he would have to leave in the morning. He sat back against the sofa cushions and closed his eyes as he waited for her to get back with the blankets.

It took a while for Morwenna to find some spare blankets in the unopened boxes in her room. When she finally got back downstairs she found Trystan sound asleep on the sofa bed. She smiled as she carefully laid the blankets over his body. He looked so peaceful, she didn't want to wake him. His hair was a tousled mess and his long black lashes fluttered over his cheekbones as he slept. She couldn't resist leaning over and brushing her lips over his soft cheek. He sighed in his sleep and snuggled further into the blankets.

She didn't know what it was about him, but she knew that their futures were entwined in some way. The one thing she worried about was the fact that he was yet to find out about the magic in her life. She just hoped he would understand that side of her. With one last look, she sighed as she turned off the light and made her way to bed.

Morwenna - Book one of The Daughters of The Stones TrilogyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang