Mario's Big Move

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It had been a long time since Mario had felt at peace. Jumping from kingdom to kingdom trying to thwart whatever Bowser's next insane, but well executed plan was. He had to admit, Bowser did dramatics well, but it did tend to drain a plumber.

Mario had found himself missing the days of old. When he didn't have to, "WAHOO!" his way into a fight every time Princess Peach got kidnapped. He just wanted peace and quiet. So when an ad in the daily paper stated affordable housing in a small peaceful town of Salem. He couldn't pass up the chance!

A few days later Mario found himself moving into the small neighborhood that would be his new kingdom. This one void of Koopas or Goomba. Fifteen small homes laid out in circular fashion which reminded Mario of a warp pipe.

"Hello? Anyone home?"

Mario was just finishing up carrying some boxes of old kart parts into his attic when he heard the voice from downstairs.

"Oh yeah! It's a-me! Here I go!" He leapt from the top of the stairs, surprising his visitor landing directly in front of them, hand outstretched. "It's a-me, Mario!"

"Oh... Um. Hi!" The visitor said, a note of both confusion and surprise in their voice. "I'm your neighbor, the name's Giles. Welcome to our small town." As he shook the white gloved hand of Mario.

"Hui hew! Just what I needed!" Mario said, his bushy mustache curved up just like the smile on his face. "I've a-been working too hard in the big kingdom and need a nice small town to relax in!"

"Well of course! Be warned," Giles turned looking both ways that no one was nearby. "There are some pretty sus things that have happened in this town before. You need to be careful."

"Why a-me?"

"You're new to this town and sometimes evil people tend to take advantage of newbies." Suddenly Giles jerked back, a giant smile plastered on his face. "Have a great day! Good luck, have fun!" And walked away, leaving Mario more confused than the one time Bowser had transformed into Bowsette.

A few days later Mario had found himself nice and settled in. He had gotten a few calls from his brother Luigi, asking when he'd be coming back to the Mushroom Kingdom, Princess Peach needed his help, a Toad had been kidnapped.

Mario had let it go to voicemail, Luigi could handle it. This was his well deserved vacation. No evil turtles, no mushrooms (okay well a few mushrooms, but that was just on the pizza!) and definitely no fighting. Mario had grown to love this small town. Their daily meetings in the town square did confuse him at first, but they had become a thing to look forward to!

Then one day, that changed. He knew he recognized him but he couldn't quite place it until he heard the voice during one of their daily meetings. They were introducing a new member of their small town. They claimed to be a psychic, wanting to retreat from the world where their gifts had been misused. But Mario saw right through the lie. It was his biggest rival, Wario.

Mario sat on this information for a few days, he didn't want to get involved. He just wanted to enjoy his relaxation! BUT EVERY DAY they walked out to the town square and Wario spurted some random made up facts and everyone just assumed he truly was a psychic.

Everyone knew psychic's were fake. Only truly evil people claimed to be them.

Enough was enough. Out he marched, he was going to go straight to Wario's house, who cared that it was the middle of the night, and confront him.

BANG, BANG, BANG. "It's a-me! Mario!" He wailed beating on the door with his hand clasp in white.

"Mario? What are you doing here? It's the middle of the night?" Wario said while slowly opening the door. He was dressed in a large yellow bathrobe. His mustache looked as if he was just electrocuted. A yellow sleep hat embroidered with a W sat on his evil head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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