PAGE 17: Chain yourself up

Start from the beginning

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Billy murmurs.

You don't reply, swallowing bile in your throat. You glance at yourself in the side mirror. The veins on your skin pump to the beat of an unspoken melody.

You wonder why you aren't affected in the same way as Billy, why you can resist His influence more than he can. You wonder if that will change. You hope not.

The people Billy is stalking exit the mall once more, fixing up their car.

"Showtime," Billy says. He revs the engine again, and again, and again.

A petite brunette stands squarely in front of her station wagon, aiming a gun at you two.

"Wait," you say. "You aren't going to hit them, are you?"

Billy replies in actions, not words. He changes gears and slams his foot on the gas. You gasp and grip the dashboard.

"Billy! Stop!"

"Shut up!" he growls.

Bang! Bang! Two gunshots smack the windshield. You squeal in fright.

Billy is unfazed and continues to drive toward the girl. You know he's fully intending on hitting her and her friends, with no remorse.

"Stop!" you scream. "Please! Stop!"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! More bullets. The windshield cracks deepen. Another couple shots and a bullet could go through and hit you.

You two are getting closer and closer to the station wagon. You ignore His evil whispers, telling you to let Billy do this. You reach over and grab the steering wheel, yanking it to the right and spinning back the way you came just as—

Crash! Another car—the yellow Cadillac from before—hits you from the side and the car spins out. Whiplash sends a sharp pain down your neck. Blood seeps from a cut in your forehead after your head hits the dashboard. Billy is unconscious next to you, slumped over his steering wheel.

Flames erupt over the hood of the car. You're disoriented from the crash, too out of it to register that you need to get out of here fast.

Roooooooar! The beast terrorizing the mall shouts at the occupants of the yellow Cadillac. You glance over and, despite your bleary vision, notice Steve and Robin climb out and book it toward the waiting station wagon.

It takes all your strength, but you force open your car door and stumble onto the asphalt, falling on your hands and knees.

"Steve!" you shout, voice weak. "Help me! Please!"

You're surprised he can hear you over the sound of the monster growling and snarling. But he turns to see you struggling to stand.

He shouts your name, terror etched in his bruised face. He makes a move to sprint toward you, but Robin grabs his arm and motions toward the monster.

Steve practically shoves Robin into the station wagon and slams the trunk door, hitting it twice to signal the driver to speed away. Then, Steve runs to you.

Thankfully, the beast follows the car, giving you and Steve time to collect yourselves.

"Hey, hey!" he says. He helps you stumble to your feet. "I've got you."

He notices the black veins on your skin and gulps. You expect him to run from you, to call you a monster. He doesn't. Instead, he gives you a tight hug.

"I've got you," he repeats, before pulling away, but keeping his hands on your shoulders. A grounding touch. "What happened?"

"Billy attacked me the other night," you say with a sniffle.

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