nott votes for something that makes sense

Start from the beginning

ALKAID (stands up): It is Lord Diggles who should be mindful of his words. You are addressing Lord Potter!

"...That is unexpected spontaneous outbursts are not something Kaidy does. It is uncharacteristic of her to be so..." Regulus muttered, making the Black sisters share a look. She did it for James.

Sirius was also surprised, this was something he would do, not his calm little sister.

"Go, Queen!" Marlene cheered, very carefully not looking at the unoccupied McKinnon seat.

DIGGLES: He is the headmaster! Your elder.

"The headmaster should not even be in the council, he should be in Hogwarts---doing his duties." Arcturus observed.

ALKAID: This is not Hogwarts, my lord, and neither are we children.

"Oooh, burn!" someone whistled in the crowd.

"That was good." Bellatrix smirked.

Murmurs of approval buzzed in the room.


CHIEF WARLOCK (gestures at James): Continue.

JAMES: I demand as is my right, the location of my daughter and her custody.

"Just give him the location, god damn it!" A Hufflepuff fifth-year yelled his frustrations out loud. "End this farce!"

DUMBLEDORE: Aster's location must remain undisclosed to protect her from those who would seek to harm her. I assure you, my boy, she is safe and under the care of trusted individuals.

"Trusted individuals? More trusted than her father who clearly loves her and is a war hero?" The same Hufflepuff asked sarcastically. His fellow housemates looked at him in disbelief. Is he the same sweet little cinnamon roll they knew?

JAMES: Trusted individuals? More trusted than her own flesh and blood? How can you deny a father's inherent right to protect and raise his own child?

"Exactly! How dare they?" Dorea was furious at their collective dunder-headness.

DUMBLEDORE: I understand your anguish, Mr. Potter, but Aster's circumstances are exceptional. She is not just any child; she is the girl who lived the symbol of hope and survival for our entire community.

"Is he fucking serious?"

JAMES: The girl who lived? Symbol or not, she is my daughter---A CHILD! And I refuse to be kept away from her any longer. As my heir, it is imperative I am given her custody as her father---

"They are ignoring the fact that Aster is a child who just lost her mother, A child who needs her father." Andromeda drawled.

James shot her a grateful look.

DUMBLEDORE: Is she being your heir more important than her safety?

"How is that even related?" Fedrick Howard asked.

"Being an heir will give her political protection." Jasmine answered automatically not even looking at him.

"EXACTLY! So why does he not want her to be an heir?" A Hufflepuff ignored the unspoken rule and questioned the giant pink elephant in the room.

There is an awkward silence much to the delight of the Slytherins.

JAMES: Are you saying the Potter wards cannot keep her safe?

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