"Yay!" I hear the excited squeals of Haruhi as she drags me into the amusement park.

She reminds me of someone....

"This is gonna be great..." I mutter and follow hesitantly.

"Let's go there first!" Haruhi drags me to the bumper cars, and we both wait in line.

Toga loved the bumper cars.

After bumper cars, she drags me to the carousel and then to the cotton candy cart, then to the swings.

For the next thirty minutes, she drags me around everywhere, rushing as if today is the last day on earth.

"Haruhi... *huff* can we *huff* stop for a second" I barely manage to sputter, out of breath.

"Oh... sure..." she stops and pulls me to a bench.

"Thanks..." I flop down onto the bench.

"A-Are you ok?" she asks, and I take a second, then nod.

"Alright well..." she starts, and I sigh.

"Come on, I've sat enough. Let's get this over with." I sigh, getting up.

"Oh... Ok-" she replies, hopping up.

She has so much energy... just like somebody that I used to know...

We get some corn dogs, cotton candy, and lemonade.

We are eating when suddenly she starts laughing.

"What the hell is so funny?" I ask, completely unamused.

"Nothing, you just have ketchup on your face..." she quickly giggles out, and I glare at her for a second.

Suddenly, I realized something.

She has her eyes.

"Here let me help you, Quinn-kun~," She says, reaching out and wiping my face off.

I registered what she had said, and my eyes widened.

"W-What did you just call me?" I ask, and her eyes widen a little.

"I- I added an honorific to your name... sorry... I won't do it again..." she quickly mutters, retracting her hand.

I quickly grab it and hold it gently.

"No, it's okay... I don't mind." I quickly mutter.

"I kind of liked it... I just haven't been called that in a long time..." I explain, and I watch her smile.

"Okay then!" she cheerfully exclaims, and I slightly smile.

By the end of the day, Haruhi had made me ride every single ride... Twice!

I was so tired and honestly ready to go home.

"Well see you next time Haru..." I mutter, starting to walk away when all of a sudden my arm is grabbed.

I turn around to see Haruhi looking down, and I look at her confused.

"Um... Quinn?" she shyly calls out my name, and my heart skips a beat.

"Uh yeah?" I ask her and watch as she fidgets with her sleeve.

"I was wondering... I mean - we have been hanging out for a while now..." she starts, and I clear my throat.

I'm never good in these types of situations... I always get so awkward.

"That maybe we could be together?" She finishes her sentence with a question, and my heart drops.





I can't do this, I don't love you, the way I love her.

But wait... she's just like her... Maybe I can withstand this torturous hell if I pretend that Haruhi is my one true love...

I can make her my Himiko.

"Uhm... Quinn?"

I snap out of my thoughts and am brought back to reality where I'm face to face with a girl that looks, acts, and kinda sounds like my one true love.

"Oh uh yeah?" I respond pretending to be confused.

"W-What's your answer?" she asks, and I mentally sigh.

"Yeah, I agree." I state all too unenthusiastically.

"R-Really?" she squeaks out, and I chuckle.

Yeah, this will work out well, Quinn...

"Yeah, I mean, I like you." I cringe at my words.

I'm supposed to be saying this to Himiko.... I guess you will suffice as a distraction.

"Yay! Okay!"

I'm engulfed in a hug, and I hesitantly hug her back.

I will find you Toga, right now, I'm just gonna pretend you are right in front of me...

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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