Just Read The Title

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The date was May 12th, 2023. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. Lorrina Tsai (Sweets Animals Miku) can be seen on her computer talking to her friends Matrona Zamorano (Sweets Animals Rin), Hallvard Zamorano (Sweets Animals Len), Merida Oquendo (Sweets Animals Luka), Vibius Arbogast (Sweets Animals Kaito), and Laxmi Meza (Sweets Animals Meiko) on Zoom.

Sweets Animals Miku: Welp, guys. It's our birthday today.

Sweets Animals Luka: Happy birthday to all of us.

Sweets Animals Meiko: You don't look happy, Lorrina.

Sweets Animals Miku: I'll tell you why when we announce our ages.

Sweets Animals Rin: I can't wait to eat a free slice of birthday cake for lunch.

Sweets Animals Len: Me too. I think we should announce how old we're going to be before we go to school. Lorrina, you start.

Sweets Animals Miku: Alright. I'm turning 18. That means I'm an adult.

Sweets Animals Rin: Hallvard and I are turning 17. One more year and then we'll be adults too.

Sweets Animals Luka: I'm turning 21. I'm old enough to drink alcohol and gamble.

Sweets Animals Kaito: I'm the oldest one in this friend group at 23.

Sweets Animals Meiko: And I'm turning 22. Hope you guys see me graduate next Thursday.

Sweets Animals Miku: Don't worry. We'll be there.

And so, these 6 friends kept talking for a few more minutes until they all had to leave.

And that's it for this birthday one-shot. Happy birthday, Sweets Animals modules. I'll see you guys in another story!

Happy Birthday, Sweets Animals Modules!Where stories live. Discover now