"Fu Huang, instead of asking your son this kind of question, you might as well go ask those ministers." the Second Prince said cynically in hoodlum-like tones, "How will your son know these things that even Elder Brother does not know?"

Ever since the emperor had coerced him to marry the girl from Zhongping Bofu, there had been animosity between him and the Crown Prince, so much so that he unstintingly threw muddy water over the Crown Prince even in the presence of the emperor.

Emperor Yun Qing looked at these two grown sons of his. One was mediocre and the other was disobedient. He felt that if he looked at them any more, he would kick them off the horse.

"Jun Po, you come and talk about it." The two biological sons were so worrisome and the emperor could only look to his beloved courtiers to find a little mental balance.

"Your Majesty, currently in the capital, polished rice costs six wen* per sheng* and brown rice costs 4 wen* per sheng*." Rong Xia rode his horse to move forward a few steps, "The price is a little cheaper than the previous two months."

"Ah," Emperor Yun Qing nodded in satisfaction, "It consoles my heart to have a minister like Jun Po."

Hearing this, the Crown Prince blushed so red in shame that he looked like he was about to bleed, but the second prince glanced at Rong Xia in annoyance. However, it was a pity that Rong Xia didn't even look at him, making him even more angry.

It was exactly at this time that the people of Zhongping Bofu arrived. The second prince glanced at Xie Wanyu, who was riding on horseback, and felt a bit fed up. Thinking that he had to actually formally marry such a commonplace woman as his wáng fēi* made him feel unhappy.

Xie Wanyu didn't know that her future husband had already started to feel vexed about her in his heart. Thinking that she would meet the Second Prince on the hunting ground today, she hadn't slept well the previous night and had to rely on thick makeup to hide the tiredness on her face. If she had looked up and glimpsed the Second Prince's expression at that time, she might perhaps have become aware that this man, whom she was on the verge of committing her life to, may not be her beloved.

"Sister Xie," Shi Feixian wore a pure white riding outfit and a veiled hat* on her head. She walked closer to Xie Wanyu before lifting the veil on her hat, exposing her cheek. "Unexpectedly, you arrived a step earlier than me."

Xie Wanyu saluted her father, Zhong Pingbo, then rode her horse towards Shi Feixian and smilingly said, "I was still worried that you wouldn't come today!"

Shi Feixian looked in the direction of Rong Xia but Rong Xia, who was talking to His Majesty, had not paid attention to her arrival. She was somewhat disappointed and turning to Xie Wanyu, said,  "The second prince is really elegant and charming."

"There you go again!" Xie Wanyu's cheeks flushed red, "If you make fun of me again, I will ignore you!"

"Fine, fine, fine! No more joking." Shi Feixian had been continuously following Rong Xia's movements from the corner of her eyes, but besides speaking with His Majesty, he was just talking to other ministers and had never looked at her from beginning to end.

"Da Da Da."

A burst of clopping sounds from horse hoofs suddenly came from behind her. Shi Feixian looked back, only to see an excellent snow white steed carrying a red clad woman speeding towards this side. Though the woman was still some distance away from her, Shi Feixian's intuition told her that this woman was definitely capable of attracting the attention of many people present there.

As the horse got closer, Shi Feixian recognized who she was.

Ban Hua! Unexpectedly it turned out to be her. Sure enough, it was her.

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