" You ... " Li Xiaoru's eye rims turned red and tears gathered in her eyes seeming about to fall, making her seem like a flower bud caught in a wild gale, very pitiful and pathetic, inducing others to protect her.

"Ban Xiangjun," Seeing this, Shi Feixian knit her brows fleetingly and then smiled towards Ban Hua, "Why should you say such things?"

The table was silent.

Ban Hua bowed her head and seemed to concentrate on tapping on a crab claw. Leaning her head towards Princess Anle, she said, "This crab is quite good. Its meat is fresh and tender."

Princess Anle knew that she was deliberately ignoring Shi Feixian and smiled helplessly. "If you like it, take a basket back home with you later."

The whole table knew that Ban Hua was deliberately pretending not to hear Shi Feixian's words and felt even more disgusted with Ban Hua. Wasn't it just depending on her grandmother being the Eldest Princess that she could put on airs and act so arrogant? Shi Feixian was the granddaughter of the Right Prime Minister who was much more powerful than Ban Hua's father who had only a title but no real power.

In front of so many people, she didn't give Shi Feixian any respect. This was practically treading the Prime Minister Household's face on the ground. Was she crazy?

They didn't know if Ban Hua was crazy or not, but now no one dared to provoke her. Who knew how she would react? People with normal brains had a predictable way of doing things while this kind of brainless person would act unpredictably, completely based on their emotions. For a refined person to quarrel with her is humiliating. So it is best not to provoke her and aggrieve oneself.

Both Xie Wanyu and Shi Feixian had lost their faces in front of her. Why should they bother asking for embarrassment again?

They didn't know if it were just their illusion but it seemed like, formerly, although Ban Hua had been somewhat unrestrained, she still wasn't likely to go as far as today's actions in disrespecting people. What was wrong with her today? Could it be that the broken engagement with Shen Yu has really upset her so much that she's decided that "a cracked pot might as well be smashed to pieces" and gone crazy with despair at the setback?

Many people present thought so and some began to sympathize with her softly while others began to gloat secretly.

With the examples of Shi Feixian and Xie Wanyu in front of them, no one went to provoke Ban Hua. Soon, the chrysanthemum feast ended and no one said more than a few words to Ban Hua.

"You just don't want to change your temperament." Princess Anle sighed as  she was seeing Ban Hua off. "Now your state of mind is becoming more unrestrained than ever. If you go on like this, what if you bring misfortune upon yourself?"

"Good days may not last forever and it's better to live everyday like it's the last. ", Ban Hua said carelessly. "Those women originally didn't like me. Even if I spoke to them gently and politely, they would still gossip about me when I am down and out. Since they can't wait to mock me, why should I give them any respect?"

"What's all this talk about down and out? Why are you thinking this way without rhyme or reason?" Princess Ai broke into laughter,"Be careful not to let these words reach you grandmother's ears or she'll sort you out well. What use are these kinds of thoughts?"

Ban Hua smiled and said nothing more. After saying goodbye to Princess Anle, she got on the sedan chair.

In one of Beijing's famous antique shops, Ban Huai looked at the jade pendant held by the shopkeeper and shook his head: "This is not good. Is there anything else?"

"Hou Ye, how could I dare to deceive you? This is already the best thing we have in this shop." said the shopkeeper with a smile, " Would you like to look at something else? "

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