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Jimin and Jungkook looked outside of the balcony watching different kingdom's Alphas entering the palace.

"I can't believe how many Alphas are here to participate in mating run hyung." Jungkook said and Jimin looked at his younger cousin.

"I know kookie, it's overwhelming." Jimin said as he looked down from the balcony.

"The king said you are interested in the blue haired Alpha." Jungkook informed and the older looked rather puzzled.

"The blue haired Alpha?" Jimin asked and the baby Alpha nodded.

"Yes. And if you marry him then i might have a slightest chance with Joonie hyung." Jungkook replied dreamily.

"Joonie hyung?" Jimin questioned looking at his dazed cousin.

"Mhmm, he's the older brother of the Alpha, an omega, not classical one like you but he is really pretty." Jungkook replied looking at his hyung who was confused.

"Don't tell me you haven't met him?" Jungkook questioned and Jimin shook his head.

"Oh hyung, but it's okay, you are here for his Alpha brother anyways but next time when i see him I'll make sure to introduce him to you too." Jungkook assured the older who just absentmindedly nodded.

"What's the name of the Omega kookie?" Jimin asked and Jungkook looked at him with his brightest smile.

"Kim Namjoon hyung, he is 21 and 181 cm tall and have this beautiful silver hair, definition of perfection." Jimin was shocked at the extra information he got from the baby Alpha.

When did Jungkook started getting this obsessive on a simple omega? Jimin couldn't help but wonder.

"What's his brother's name kookie?" Jimin asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I... Um.. Kim something? I don't know but he is a Kim." Jungkook replied causing Jimin to release an amused chuckle.

The older shook his head, "everyone that arrived from that kingdom is a Kim Jungkook." Jimin said and Jungkook huffed in annoyance.

"So when did our Jungkookie started getting this obsessive over someone?" Jimin asked teasing but he was genuinely wanted to know.

Jungkook wasn't a kind of Alpha who look around and talk about omegas at all, he was a scared and timid boy.

Who just avoid opposite gender and sub genders so it shocked Jimin when the baby Alpha started talking about an Omega he just met few hours ago this obsessively, he was curious about what or more like who caused the change.

"You don't know hyung, if you saw him you'll be obsessive too, he's just that beautiful." Jungkook replied and Jimin looked back at Jungkook with raised eyebrows.


Fuck Jungkook was right. was all Jimin could think after watching the Kim siblings enter the room.

He couldn't stop his fascination over this tall Omega who didn't seemed to care about anything and just casually chatting with Jungkook who was giving the older heart eyes.

Jimin turned around looking at his brother, what's his name again? Kim Taehyung it is.

Jimin tried but he couldn't find a single similarity between the two brothers and it turned out that the Omega was actually just the cousin of Taehyung and Seokjin.

Jimin also learned that the omegas in Kim family are rare so if Namjoon failed to find an Alfa at the right time they will mate him with Seokjin, the older brother of Taehyung.

Jimin find it amusing how the Kims were desperately trying to keep the Omega to themselves but it won't happen because Jungkook is already shooting his shot.

And it's kind of working as a light pink shade of pink is clearly visible on Namjoon's face and neck.

Causing the true blood omega to grunt in annoyance, Jimin is a shelf aware person and he is also aware of the fascination he's growing towards the older.

And it's not going to end well.

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