Time travel

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Finney's POV:

When the darkness faded I found I was lying in a bed, a quick look at my surroundings told me I was in my room. Confusion settled over me, I had no idea how I got here. Maybe I passed out in the ambulance and got brought home by my dad?

That's when I saw her. I saw an angelic women with curly dirty blonde hair and a face I saw in the mirror everyday.

My mother.

"M-Mama?" I stuttered, unable to believe my mother, who killed herself when I was only 3 years old, was standing there in front of me, looking just as perfect as I remembered her.

"Hello, my dear." My mother practically sighed, I could see tears gleaming in her eyes as she opened her arms, inviting me into a hug.

That's when I jumped from my bed and ran into my mothers arms. The second I got to her, she closed her arms around me and I began to sob openly. I could hear my mother crying too as she squeezed me so hard I felt as if she would break me.

"I'm sorry, my baby, I'm so so sorry, my Finn." My mother apologised over and over again. I didn't ask what she was sorry apologising for, I knew and no matter how much I didn't want to, I have always held some resentment to my mother for willingly leaving me in that monsters hands.

"H-how, how are you here?" I asked after a few minutes. She pulled away from are embrace slightly to look me in the eyes.

"Finn, sweetheart, you know how my side of the family is different to normal people?" My mother asked slowly. I hummed in understanding. My mother would tell my stories about how her father could create and control fire with his mind, and how her grandmother could read peoples emotions.

"Well," she continued unsurely, "people like us, when we die, we get one choice to change something in the world, like your great-grandmother, she gave her daughter in-law, my mother, the ability to have children. Does this make sense?"

"I guess?" I understood what she was saying, there was always something more about her and my sister, so this wasn't above the realm of possibilities.

"Well, I'm using my choice now." She said confidently.

"To do what?" I asked.

She took a deep breath, then said, "to send you back, before any of the kidnappings, before any of those poor boys died."

I was speechless, I didn't know how to respond, I could go back and save the other victims, I could save Robin!

"Finney, will you do this?" My mother asked hesitantly, like she was afraid I would refuse.

"I- YES, Yes I will, I-," my rambling was cut of by a laugh. Looking up I saw my looking at me with such pride it was overwhelming.

"Ok, darling, you need to listen to me closely now, because we don't have much time left, ok?" I nodded in understanding.

"You know how I could talk to ghosts while I dreamed? And how Gwen got my ability to see more in her dreams? Well you got my ability to talk to ghosts, it never showed before because you repressed it, but now you've finally used your abilities they will start to show more and more, ok?" I nodded along to everything was saying mindlessly, while I took in the information.

"Now, there are some rules that you need to follow when you go back, ok Finney?" I nodded, "you cannot under any circumstances tell anyone that you from the future until the two timelines we created come together."

"Two timelines?" I asked confused.

"By going back in time and changing set in place events, you are creating a separate timeline to the one that already exists, the more choices you make with the knowledge of the future, the more the two timelines separate. As long as you don't separate the two timelines to much, the timelines will come together on the same date as the one you time traveled on, and from then on you can tell however you want. But if you tell anyone about what you know before the timelines come together, that could drift them apart even more and we do not want that." She explained.

"So, how do I stop the two timelines from separating too much?" I asked.

"Well, according to my calculations, as long as you kill the grabber on the same day as your original timeline you should be fine."

"Oh, ok." I said, trying to ignore the anxiety that spread through my body at the thought of seeing the grabber again, let alone fighting him.

My mothers eyes softened as she saw my panic, "you don't have to do this finney, I can send you back if you want."

"NO!" I screamed in panic, "no, I have to save them mama." I say more softly.

My mother smiled softly at me, " well ok then, just one more thing before you go, I want you to promise me two things."

"Anything." I replied easily.

"Number one, the other boys, all five of them are all lonely, and feel as if their lives are not worth living. They've all been through too much, and they all need someone to rely on. Be that someone Finn, befriend them, don't just save their lives, give their lives meaning, care for them and love them. Promise me?"

"I promise mama, I will do everything I can." I promised, being completely truthful, I would give all of those boys my everything to make them happy, although it broke my heat to hear Robin felt his life was not worth living.

My mother smiled, a sad, pained, but beautiful smile. "Number two, never forget how much I love you or Gwen." Her voice sounded farther and farther away as my vision went black for the second time that day.

1002 words.

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