Chapter 2

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Zion Sullivon

Phill drove me to the agency. The night was chilly, and being drenched didn't help.

After we reached the agency, I was met by Ezra, who had a cup of coffee, as usual.

"You look horrible! Phil, take him to one of the spare dorms," Ezra said, noticing my suitcase. Phil took me to one of the dorms in the agency and gave me the key. It seemed like this was going to be my new home.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. The hot water was comforting. After spending about twenty minutes in the shower, I was rudely interrupted by Silas. We were quite close, and you could call him my best friend.

He knocked at the door—scratch that, he banged on the door after I didn't reply for ten minutes. Okay, maybe he had a point. I turned off the shower and dried myself with a towel, wrapping it around my lower half.

"Jesus Christ, what?!" I yelled after opening the door. Silas landed face-first on the floor. In my defense, he shouldn't have banged so hard. I held out my hand to help him up.

"Dude! What's wrong with you? You look high. Your eyes are red, and your hair's a mess," he said, observing me.

"Ouch. And yeah, I'm very aware I look like a mess. People here have been making it painfully obvious," I said.

"Well, you get dressed, and then we can talk," Silas said as he went to get something. I got dressed. I wore a T-shirt. I just realized it was the same T-shirt I wore on my first date with Gia. Oh God, I was so nervous that day! I showered twice and bathed myself in perfume. I spent ten minutes deciding whether to wear a suit or a T-shirt. I ended up wearing a navy blue T-shirt after deliberating for twenty minutes. I dreaded the possibility of being underdressed, and indeed I was. She wore a beautiful red dress, and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She didn't mind my choice of clothing and laughed it off. She was obviously the mature one in our relationship. That's how we were. We balanced each other. After all, nothing good lasts forever.

Silas returned by then.

"Now, tell me what's wrong!" he said, taking a seat beside me on the bed.

"Nothing much."


"Gia broke up with me," I said.

"NO WAY! You both were like two sides of a coin! How the hell?" he asked, shocked.

"I know," I said, inconsolable.

"Man, that must have been hard on you," he said, embracing me in a hug. I honestly needed it.

He let go and sprang off the bed.

"I know just the right thing you need to get over her!" he said as his face lit up. I knew very well what that face meant.

"I'm not going to drink my sorrow away. Not working this time," I said firmly.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, sure."


And I ended up in this random club he took me to. I really needed a break, and Ezra surprisingly allowed us. I had never heard of this club, maybe because it was almost at the end of this freaking town.

I knew what I needed—a few drinks, probably to help me forget what happened, at least for tonight. I was sure I was going to wake up with a painful headache the next day. Probably a few painkillers, and I would be fit as a fiddle, ready to work.

I was accompanied by Silas and Phil. Phil had already stepped up his game and started flirting with a girl. Silas, however, stayed with me. After some time, he had to use the washroom, so I was left at the bar all alone.

"Two margaritas, please," I heard someone order beside me.

"Sure, right up," the bartender said.

"So, what's a handsome man like you doing here alone?" the woman said, looking at me. She looked beautiful, her blonde hair tied in a messy bun with a few strands falling over her face. She was wearing a dazzling blue dress, too dazzling for my eyes.

"Nothing much," I shrugged, taking the last sip of my drink.

"Oh, I think you ran out! Here," she said, passing me a glass of margarita. Not wanting to be rude, I took a sip. Soon, it was two... three, and I had ten glasses already.

My head started spinning, and the world seemed to black out. My vision got blurry. I could hear faint voices.

"Sierra, stop messing with him. He looks miserable," I heard a man say.

"Oh, come on, look at him, in his own world," the woman beside me said, chuckling.

"Go find another prey, will you!"

"Ugh! Fine, you are no fun!"

"Hey dude, look, I apologize for what she did..." my thoughts trailed off. I felt hot, really hot, and I wanted to tear off my clothes. It was about time I realized why that man apologized—the woman had drugged me.

It wasn't long before the man was dragging me somewhere.

"Hey, you can rest here," the man said as he opened a door. He helped me walk to the bed, where I lay down.

"You better get some rest. I’ll be around if you need me," he said.

As he was about to leave, something in me made me pull him towards me. He lost his balance and fell over me, his breath warm against my face. In the heat of the moment, I did something reckless. If I sober up, I will surely hit my head against the wall. I closed the gap between us, our lips meeting in a feverish kiss. He responded, and our lips moved together, igniting a fire within me. He bit my lip, and I gasped, his tongue slipping into my mouth, exploring and teasing. The world around us disappeared as we lost ourselves in the intensity of the moment, each touch, each kiss, stoking the flames of desire. What happened next was a blur of passion and need, the night dissolving into pure sensation.

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