A Wish

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Zodiac signs. Those damn things. Toga pestered Dabi about it for months. Always asking so she could read him a stupid horoscope from whatever dumb app she had downloaded. "Capricorn!" Dabi shouted. Toga cheered and managed to even get his actual birthday too. "January 18th." He waved the girl off who continued to follow him anyways.

"It says here Capricorns most common traits are moodiness and holding grudges." Toga looked up from her cracked phone screen and stared Dabi up and down. "Yup! Sounds about right!"

"Oh shut up before I break that stupid thing."

Toga pulled her phone away, "Oh no you don't! This is the third phone I had to get from Giran! These things cost money y'know!" First phone she had got destroyed during a mission and the second one was Tomura's doing. He got upset because she had spammed him with Yaoi so he tackled her and decayed her phone to teach her a lesson.

Dabi bent down to the girls level, "Well then I suggest you stay the hell away from me if you don't want your crap destroyed." He then flicked her on the forehead as a so called warning. "Oh, and don't go telling everyone my business." He said, referring to his birthday which was in less than a week.

Toga just stuck her tongue out and walked away.

-January 18th-

Dabi awoke from his slumber, rolling over onto his side as the sun shined through the curtain panels and beamed into his eyes. He yawned before throwing his legs over the side of his bed to get ready. That morning was business as usual. Ever since killing the Creature Rejection Clan and taking over their base, not to mention joining forces with the PLF, things began to look up for The League. Everyone had their goals and were determined to fulfill them. This war was just starting. But until then, Dabi spent his free time looking for more recruits within the slums of Japan.

No matter what dark, dangerous, and off the grid place Dabi went to, she somehow managed to find him. "Don't you got someone else to bother?" Dabi groaned, walking away from the pile of ashes he left behind that were once mindless thugs with no ambition.

Toga shook her head, "Nope. The others are meeting with the Big Nosed guy at the mansion. I just decided to stay behind." Toga looked up at Dabi hoping he'd ask why she chose to not be with her comrades but he could care less. She scoffed. "I had some important errands to run."

"Fascinating." He turned a sharp corner within the close bundle of buildings in hopes to lose the girl in the maze. Yet there she was still on his heels. Dabi brought himself to a halt causing Toga to run right into his back and nearly fall to the floor. He knew exactly why Toga found him on this day of all days. It was obvious what she wanted to do really bad so he was just going to let her so she could leave him alone. "If you wanna wish me a happy freaking birthday then just get it out of your system. I don't have the time and patience for this crap."

"What made you think I wanted to do that?" Toga huffed, crossing her arms and looking away.

"Alright then. So what's the meaning of you following me out here?"

Toga dropped the annoyed act and pouted, "I... was going to wish you a happy birthday..." She admitted tapping her pointer fingers together. "You said not to tell the others so I followed you so I could say it when nobody was around."

"How thoughtful." He rolled his eyes, "Since that's out of the way you can go meet up with Handyman and the others now."

"Wait!" Toga reached in her bag and pulled out a small white box and held it out for Dabi to take. "Happy birthday!"

Dabi looked down and saw that inside was a cupcake with a blue and white candle already poked through it. He looked back up with uninterested eyes. "I don't like sweets." He straightened himself back up and waved the treat off as a waste of money. "You eat it."

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