By the fireplace

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As I get to the new cabin, I notice that there is a chimney.

"Maybe they will have a real fireplace," I said.

"I don't know babe, hopefully, they will." My boyfriend responded

As we arrive he has me go ahead and explore the cabin while he packs a bowl for us. There is a furry rug in the living's a small Circular Coffee table in front of a two-seat sofa, and a recliner but the best part of the living room was a beautiful tiled fireplace with Black and white rectangular files. It has a gray furry rug, white throw pillows to sit on, and a few white soft blankets folded neatly beside the couch. I sit down to get used to the place before I rush back out to smoke with him. He surprised me with a blunt as well. We ended up smoking 3 bowls and the blunt before stumbling back into the cabin. I see the throw pillows and blankets from before and get excited. Without my boyfriend's help, I get the fire started and to a roar. Then I arrange the square seats of the sofa into a makeshift bed in front of the fireplace. Then I get one of my stoner ideas and without telling what I'm doing I put my winter outdoor gear on, grab my ax and rush outside leaving my boyfriend at the door with a confused look on his face I run into the woods in search of five big branches that are perfect to make a teepee with. After finding and cutting all of them while my boyfriend looks at me from the doorway still confused.

I grab all five and drag them inside and drop them in front of the fire. Then run back out to the car and open the trunk and grab my crafting suitcase. Once back inside and out of my outdoor gear. I open the suitcase looking for my hemp rope, then grab two of the sticks and tie one end of them together, grab a third one, and on the side of the makeshift floor bed set up a teepee shape. Using the hemp rope to secure as I go I add the other two sticks then a few sheets from the linen closet to make it seem more romantic I take out fairy lights from my craft suitcase (which helps when I'm not at home and am having trouble thinking creatively) and put them up in the teepee. I set up the fluffy white pillows and blankets in it and grab everything we need snack related for the rest of the night and put it on a tray, and put all the alcohol and mixers in the small cooler and put it beside the fireplace side of the makeshift bed

We are high and the night has just begun. We have a bottle of vodka, a case of beer, stuff for s'mores, and pizza mountain pies. We decided to start playing twenty questions.


Three questions in he asks me what my Kinks are. We haven't Been together long so we are still learning that stuff about each other.

"Wait, there are only three questions in babe. Don't you want to answer that question?"

"Nope, I want to ask now."

"I'm not telling you everything telling all at once"

"Okay, but then I'm not telling you everything all at once"

"I like Sensory deprivation, examples are blindfolding, Headphones blasting music, cloth gags, and being tied up."


"So my sensations are more enhanced when I can't hear, see or move, All I can focus on is feeling the sensations"

"I have another question, why cloth gags specifically?"

"I can't breathe with the solid gags."

"But you liked being choked hard."

"Some of my trauma turned into my kinks, other trauma turned into my fears."

"Okie, Ima change the subject. It's your turn."

"How long is it going to take for you to kiss me? We have been by ourselves in a cabin for seven hours and all you've done is hold my hand."

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