xiv. day thirteen

Start from the beginning

he sighed, releasing the cat. "miso." he answered his own question. you chuckled at the boy's grimace, petting the kitten named corn in your lap.

"i think it's cute," you admitted, smiling down at your lap. "running a café together when you're older, living a simple life surrounded by adorable animals; sounds like a life i'd kill to have."

shoto nodded subtly, watching as teriyaki rolled around in his lap. "it sounds simpler than being a hero," he added, petting behind teriyaki's ear.

"right?? we wouldn't have to worry about villains attempting to murder us every day," you laughed aloud, leaning back in your seat.

shoto chuckled, agreeing. miso, the cat that was rubbing against his leg, jumped onto his lap and sat herself beside teriyaki. purring ran through miso's system, kneading her paws into teriyaki's back.

mrs. hanato and her husband followed back in with two water bottles, smiling sweetly at the not-so-couple-couple in front of them. "what can we serve you today? we have sandwiches, salads, and miso soup. or would you two prefer something sweeter like macarons, cheesecake, and ice cream?"

"i'll take the cheesecake, please," shoto said, petting behind miso's ear. "and i'll have what he's having," you chirped, smiling.

"of course darlings. we will be right out with your food." mrs and mr hanato wandered off towards the back, leaving shoto and you alone with the felines once more.

"this place is really nice," shoto complimented, leaning back in his seat.

"a nice place for a nice boy," you winked playfully, grinning. there was truth behind your playfulness, but you weren't going to admit that to him.

he blushed bashfully, glancing away from you. you laughed, running your hands through corn's golden fur. he mewed with delight, purring from the touch of your hands.

shoto distracted himself by simultaneously petting the two cats in his lap. you were getting bolder by the day, and he was getting more flustered.

"so..." shoto cleared his throat, "what are we doing tomorrow?"

your eyes lit up at the question. "i heard there was a festival in town. the girls have been rambling about it nonstop, so i snagged us tickets."

shoto nodded in acknowledgment. "that sounds like fun."

you smiled. "it's going to be a lot of fun! i think the entire class is going though."

he grimaced, sulking his shoulders. "wonderful."

"you sound excited."

"excited about being harassed all day."

you snorted, snuggling corn the cat against your face. "you and me both."

"i'm sure we'll find some way to be alone."

you choked on your spit, almost dropping corn. the ginger meowed in annoyance, releasing itself from your grip and planting himself back onto your lap. shoto was going to get up to check on you, but three felines were occupying his lap.

after a bit of coughing and calming down, you stared at shoto as if he just announced he was pregnant. "what are you trying to say?" you asked, petting corn in apology (and to calm your nerves).

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