𝟬𝟬𝟳 would it kill you if we kissed?

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Chapter SevenWould It Kill You If We Kissed?

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Chapter Seven
Would It Kill You If We Kissed?


"Kalani, holy shit," Chad's voice could be heard as soon as Ethan helped her through the doorway, and everyone in the living looked over to see the girl clearly in pain.

"I'm okay." Kalani smiled, feeling Ethan let go and she gripped the top of a chair to help her stand. Ethan set her bag in the chair and sent Chad a look when he placed a hand on Kalani's back. "I'm alive, that's all that matters."

"She was with me the whole time, at least until I got punched," Ethan muttered, his eyes scanning the room of everyone looking at him.

Sam stood up from the couch, "I'll go get the shower ready for you." She reassured Kalani, disappearing down the hall toward the bathroom.

"Do you want to sit?" Chad asked, gesturing to the couch, but Kalani shook her head.

"No, I'm just gonna shower then try to sleep," Kalani told him, sending him a weak smile, and his hand dropped from her back.

           Mindy let out a deep huff. "Sleep actually sounds nice right now." She pushed herself up from the chair she was sitting in. "Goodnight, guys. Try not to die tonight."

          "Mindy, come on." Chad scowled at his twin as she wandered back into Tara's room where the other Carpenter sister was.

          Before she left, Mindy made sure to give Ethan a look to let him know she still suspected him, but he just rolled his eyes at her look, letting out an annoyed sigh. Chad turned to face both Kalani and Ethan, looking between the two of them, and then his eyes focused on Kalani.

          "I'm glad you're okay." He said to his ex-girlfriend, and although Ethan was fully aware that they were friends, Ethan looked away with another discreet eye roll.

          "Thank you." Kalani smiled, watching him turn to walk back to the room where he would be sleeping just as Sam returned to the living room.

           Sam helped Kalani back to the bathroom and even waited outside for the next thirty minutes or so until Kalani was finished. If Kalani hadn't gotten scared by the upstairs neighbor dropping something on the floor, she would've still been stuck disassociating under the hot water. She was able to wash the blood off, but the trauma still clung to her skin. No amount of scrubbing could take that off.

Devil's Backbone, Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now