Jar Jar Binks

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Once the ships landed on the planet of Naboo, Obi-Wan and Alexandra quickly slipped out of the ship so they wouldn't get caught by the battle droids. It wasn't until a voice was heard from the hologram, telling the battle droids about the Jedi Knights and Mandalorian's whereabouts on the planet and to destroy them.
"We have to go," said Alexandra, leading Obi-Wan toward the woods to find the Jedi Master. Suddenly, two B1-series battle droids spot the Padawan and the Mandalorian from the distance, "There they are!" one shouts, "Blast them"
Before Obi-Wan could pull out his lightsaber, Alexandra tackled the Padawan to the ground to avoid a blast, resulting in her helmet falling off. Acting quickly, she covered Obi-Wan's eyes while reaching for her helmet.
"What are you doing?!" asked Obi-Wan, "I can't see a thing!"
"You Jedi have your codes and I have mine" said Alexandra, "No Mandalorian is allowed to show their face to others"
Once she retrieves her hamlet, Alexandra quickly places it back on and removes her hand from the Padawan's eyes. Obi-Wan froze in confusion before removing himself from the ground as two battle droids make their way toward the two on land speeders. "Come on!" called Alexandra, running deeper into the forest with Obi-Wan following behind.

From the distance, Obi-Wan could see his master Qui-Gon accompanied by a strange creature, screaming for his dear life. Thankfully, the Jedi Master was able to reflect the battle droid's attack with the use of his lightsaber.
"You saved my again!" said the tall creature
"What's this?" asked Obi-Wan
"A local" answered Qui-Gon, "Let's get out of here before more droids show up"
"Agreed" said the Mandalorian, following the Jedi Knights before the tall creature catches up with them in a panic.
"Ex-squeeze-me!" said the tall creature
"What is it now?" asked Alexandra
"Mesa Jar Jar Blinks want to tell you de mostest safest place would be Gunga City. Is where I grew up. Tis' a hidden city."
"A hidden city, you say?"
"Can you take us there then?"
Jar Jar hesitates before shaking his head, "On second thought, no" he answered, "Not really, no"
Qui-Gon turned to the tall creature, wondering why he wouldn't take them to the hidden city. Jar Jar told the three that it was rather embarrassing, but he was banished from the city and if he came back the ruler would do terrible things to him. The sound of battle droids was heard from the distance as Qui-Gon looked at Jar Jar dead in the eye and said, "Do you hear that? That is the sound of a thousand terrible things heading this way"
"If they find us, they will crush us, grind us into tiny pieces and blast us into oblivion" said Obi-Wan
"So now you have a choice to make" said Alexandra, "Either you take us to this hidden city of yours or be murdered by an army of droids that would destroy the entire planet"
Jar Jar hesitates, thinking for a moment before realizing the Jedi Knights and the Mandalorian made excellent points. "Yousa point is well seen" he said before leading the three to the hidden city.

As they make their way to the hidden city, Obi-Wan couldn't help but wonder what the Mandalorian looked like underneath the helmet. His eyes wander off toward the girl a few steps away from him and his master, trying to grasp at least one little detail he saw before his eyes were covered by Alexandra.
"Something on your mind, Obi-Wan?" asked Qui-Gon
"My apologize, Master" said Obi-Wan, "But I was thinking about what Alexandra said about her codes"
"Codes you say?"
"She said to me 'You Jedi have your codes and I have mine.' Makes me wonder if one of the codes was to never see her face"
"It must be. I'm not familiar with Mandalorian codes, but I assume that must be one of them. Perhaps in time, you will see her face when Alexandra is ready"
"Yes, Master"
Alexandra overhead the conversation, shaking her head silently until she nearly trips onto a branch below her. Luckily, Obi-Wan was there to catch her before she fell.
"You must be careful" he said, "Wouldn't want that helmet of yours to slip off again"
Alexandra stood up and glanced at the Padawan, "Never mention that to anyone" she said before walking off. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes and mumbled 'You're welcome' before following her and Jar Jar Binks.

"How much further?" asked Qui-Gon, seeing as if they've been walking for hours trying to find the hidden city.
Jar Jar Binks stops his tracks near a lake and smiled, "Wesa goen underwater, okeyday?" he said, "Ah, my warning you. Gungans no liken outsiders, so don't spect a warm welcome"
"Oh don't worry" said Obi-Wan, "This hasn't been our day for warm welcomes"
Jar Jar dives into the water, waiting for the Jedi Knights and the Mandalorian to follow his lead. The Padawan glanced at Alexandra and handed her an aqua breather, "I don't need that" she said, activating her helmet to act as an aqua breather before diving into the water. The two Jedi Knight step into the water, swimming deeper and deeper into the lake until they spot the hidden city, Gunga City. Although it looks beautiful as the lights glow in the bottom of the lake, the danger awaits them once the four enter the city. The moment Jar Jar enters the city with Alexandra, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon behind him, the group are stopped by the ruler's men.
"Hey, yousa!" said the guard, "Stopa dare!"
"Heyo-dales, Cap'n Tarpals" Jar Jar greets casually, "Mesa back!"
"Noah gain, Jar Jar. Yousa goen tada bosses. Yousa in big dudu dis time"

It was then the Jedi Knights and the Mandalorian were presented to the ruler of Gunga City, Boss Nass. The ruler shook his head in disappointment, saying, "Yousa cannot bees hair. Dis army of Mackineeks up dare is new weesong"
Qui-Gon explained that a droid army is about to attack Naboo and they must warn everyone before it's too late.
"Wesa no like da Naboo" said Boss Nass, "Da Naboo tink da so smarty. Da tink day brains so big"
Obi-Wan steps forward to defend his master and said, "Once those droids take control of the surface, they will take control of you"
"Mesa no tink so. Day not know of uss-en"
"Think again" said Alexandra, pulling out a small drive from her gauntlet, "This contains every location within Naboo for the droids to attack, including Gunga City. So your city isn't so hidden after all"
The room fell silent as the Mandalorian presented the hard drive in her gloved hand. Boss Nass didn't look pleased at the sight and growled, "Yousa lying! Nosa una outside of Gunga city knows where isa hidden"
"You and the Naboo form a symbiont circle. What happens to one of you will affect the other. You must understand this"
"Wesa no carrrre-nn about da Naboo"
"Then speed us on our way" said Qui-Gon, "We could use a transport"
Boss Nass agrees to bring transportation to the Jedi Knights and the Mandalorian as long as they bring Jar Jar Binks with them through the planet's core as their guide.

The transport takes the Jedi Knights, the Gungan, and the Mandalorian through the center of the planet's core. Obi-Wan couldn't help but wonder for a moment before asking, "Why were you banished, Jar Jar?"
Jar Jar hesitates before answering, "It's a longo tale-o, buta small part of it would be mesa... clumsy"
"They banished you because you were clumsy?" asked Alexandra
"Yous might'n be sayin dat"
"More importantly" said Obi-Wan, "Is that why you were on the ship, Alexandra? To collect information on attack points on Naboo?"
"Not just that" said Alexandra, "But the rest is classified information"
Before the Padawan could ask more questions, the transport suddenly gets caught against a large creature's tongue, dragging the four into its mouth.
"Big Gooberfish!" cried Jar Jar, "Huge-o teeth!"
Thankfully, another fish devours the gooberfish, freeing the transport from its mouth as Obi-Wan quickly takes the transport deeper into the core. Suddenly, the ship's power goes down and the transport suddenly comes to a stop. Jar Jar panics, thinking that the four of them are gonna die.
"Just relax" said Qui-Gon, "We're not in trouble yet"
As Jar Jar rambles about how they were gonna die, Obi-Wan and Alexandra checked the control system to get the power back on, only to be greeted by the creature that ate the Gooberfish. Obi-Wan acts quickly by escaping the cave toward the outcoming as Qui-Gon instructed to finally arrive in the city of Naboo.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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