chapter 3

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The three boys kept playing. Mike hadn't noticed how athletic Will had gotten. His tan legs showcasing bulging quads as he lunged for the ball. He nearly never missed. Mike's mouth went a little dry as he thought about how Will must look shirtless. His cock was so hard, it was almost painful. He tried to divert his thinking, avert his eyes, but every fiber of him was drawn to Will like a moth to a light.

He was admittedly spacing out a little, giving up on his goal of calming himself down after Will started panting and sweating with effort. Mike was itching with desire, and he was getting a little bored of their stupid game. He let himself picture grabbing fistfuls of Will's ass, spreading it open, and bit his tongue as he pushed the pillow more firmly on his lap.

"Mike?" Will's angelic voice pulled him out of his dirty daydreams, and he immediately felt guilty as his eye's met Will's soft gaze.

"Huh?" He said, intelligently.

Will smiled a little. "I said do you want to rejoin me for the final point? I think we're about to win," he clarified with a smirk.

"We?! Mike hasn't done shit!" Dustin complained, a little jealous.

"You haven't done that much either," Mike snapped back, receiving the finger.

When he looked back up, suddenly Will was in front of him. He looked like a statue, towering over Mike while he gleamed with perspiration. Mike wanted to climb him, to wrap his legs around Will's waist and grind against him shamelessly.

"Mike- are you even listening?" Will frowned.

"S-sorry, what?" Mike spluttered, trying to clear the images from his head.

Will rolled his eyes. "I said would you please come win with me?" Will repeated, faux exasperated, extending a hand to help Mike up.

Mike took it without hesitation, he'd take anything Will offered him. The pillow fell from his lap while he stood, and he remembered his situation in a panic. He flopped back down, scrambling to resituate the pillow before Will could notice.

Will's brows furrowed anyways, making Mike's stomach twist uncomfortably.

"Are you okay?" Will asked, all worried.

"Y-yeah. Yup! I just... don't wanna play," Mike fumbled, resisting the urge to hide his face behind his hands. Puberty fucking sucked.

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