The Betrayal

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The war was over and everything was beginning to settle down. However I couldn't help but notice the weird looks Annabeth would give me whenever she was around me. Now I'm beginning to wonder if those weird looks were looks were actually looks of fear. 

Before I know it the seven were being summoned to Mount Olympus to be granted their rewards. 

I thought I would be included in the reward until we got to Mount Olympus and the minute I stepped into the throne room I was in chains. The moment the chains wrapped around me I glanced around and saw the twin archers and Hermes giving me apologetic looks as my father began to talk. 

"Perseus Jackson you are hereby banished from Olympus and Camp Halfblood, and I Poseidon Father of the Seas hereby disown Perseus Jackson as my son! You are charged with the crimes of being a spy for Kronos and Gaia!" As soon as he proclaiming to the council my so called crimes I felt a searing pain over my heart as if someone was branding me with iron. 

Soon gifts were given to the rest of the seven and before they left to go back to camp they walked over to me screaming words I couldn't make out as they kicked me again and again until they left and I was then teleported from the throne room to the street in front of the empire state building. 

I was bleeding out and could barely hear the cars zooming by over the pain coming from the several broken bones that I had been given and the sounds of New York traffic began to fade as I let the darkness consume the pain, I was going to die in a back alley on the streets of New York, or so I thought. Soon my pain was consumed by a feeling of pure fire. 

When I woke up there was an inhumanely beautiful woman next to me and I realized I had been brought into a hotel while I was unconscious. The woman quickly introduced herself as Tanya Denali. She then began to explain what had happened so she began with, "Hi, I know you must be scared and I know that the pain you were in must have hurt just as bad as when you were bleeding out in an alleyway. However you must have noticed that you are no longer injured anymore," she took a second to let her words sink in before she continued, "you probably won't believe me on what I am about to say. But please keep in mind that you are no longer dying although I can't say you're alive either. I noticed you bleeding out and I noticed how you looked so innocent and troubled with what happened and I couldn't let a good heart go to waste so I turned you into what I am. You are now a vampire." 

She then looked at me as if expecting me to protest before I realized that I never introduced myself to her. I rectified that within the second, "I'm sorry I just realized that I haven't introduced myself my name is Percy Jackson, it was amazing of you to save me from the fate that those I had called family had induced upon me." I finished bitterly while she looked at me shocked as if surprised I didn't start protesting and yelling that vampires aren't real. Having lived in a world of myths before being banished I really didn't think I could argue. 

Then a random question fell into my mind: do I still have riptide? I patted down my pockets feeling for the familiar weight and came up with nothing. They must have taken it when they chained me up. 

Tanya then began to speak again surprising me, "I have a proposition for you. You are the first vampire I have ever turned, however the way you reacted has me very surprised. I find that I am fairly affectionate towards you and I feel the pull of a mate towards you. I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't offer you this. I am the leader of a coven in Alaska I would like for you to join my coven and one day lead it with me. Would you consider moving to Alaska with me so I can give you a new family that will never hurt you the way that your previous one did." Tanya said everything with such a conviction and fondness in her tone that I knew immediately that I would never refuse her offer. 

I immediately responded yes and then went to get my stuff from my apartment. Luckily neither mom nor Paul were home so I could grab my stuff and leave a not about what happened knowing full well that Poseidon probably already told mom the lies about me. I was about to leave with Tanya when the Archer twins flashed in with Hermes. Apollo immediately began apologizing for what had happened. He told me, "Annabeth came to the council telling everyone that you were a spy my sister and I didn't know what to think. However because I am the god of truth among other things I could tell they were all lies spun of fear. As Hermes is also the god of lies he could tell for the same reason. I told Artemis what had actually happened and she immediately suggested that we all bless you." 

I was shocked to say the least. When I finally coerced my mouth into moving I forced out a thank you with a large yes attached. That is when Artemis took over the conversation, "Perseus, you are the only decent male. I am disgusted by my father's and uncle's behavior. I would like to go further than blessing you. If you would agree you shall become the champion of the moon. I also made sure that my huntresses know the truth so I shall bestow upon you the title friend of the hunt. None of any of the remaining seven shall ever be welcomed into camp ever again." 

I couldn't manage words at this point so I just ran up to ARtemis and hugged her all while Tanya watched. Hermes then spoke up, "We also have an offer that shall include your mate that has thankfully made you immortal as she is however we would like to give you both a true immortality that none of the gods can bestow except Artemis as this can only be granted to creatures of the wild. Do you both accept?" 

Two immediate cries of yes could be heard from the border of New York to China. Then a silver light floated over to Tanya and I, and embathed us with its glory. 

The three gods said their goodbyes and we began to run to Alaska. 


Hello my dear readers I hope you enjoy the new story. If you read the dedication you would know that this story was not my idea it was the genius of lucaspereiraf and you have them to thank for this wonderful new story. I have a question I would love for you all to comment on. Should I make Bella Swan a demigod or not? If so who should her parent be?

Thank you for reading this, 

- Mer

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